"Ah," Shi Qingxuan's smile turned mischievous. "About that..."

It turned out that she was partnering up with He Xuan for a photography project, and she wanted Xie Lian to model for them. Xie Lian listened to her, patiently at first, but the longer she continued, the more dreadful he became.

"You want me to dress up as a bride and have some other guy pose as my bridegroom?! Pardon me for asking, but what even is this concept?!"

"I want to break the societal norms by proving that clothing is not restricted by gender!"

Xie Lian rubbed his forehead, "Qingxuan, are you sure you're not doing this just because you're into men cross dressing and cosplay?"

Shi Qingxuan choked on her coffee and said hastily, "n-no no I—! Lian! I'm actually serious about this!"

In the end, Xie Lian couldn't refuse her, and thus he was currently facing this predicament.

"Right, the hair and makeup is all done!" Shi Qingxuan chirped. "Oh—! He Xuan just texted me, he's heading over right now!"

She hastily sat down in front of the dressing table and began musing over her appearance. Xie Lian was amused at her distress. Shi Qingxuan was one of the most sought after women on her campus,  but despite her immense popularity, she had never pursued romantic relationships with anyone. As far as Xie Lian was aware, He Xuan had been the only person who had caught her interest.

Seeing a peerless beauty such as herself pine over an anti-social loner, Xie Lian couldn't help but feel half amused and half exasperated.

The door of the dressing room swung open and a tall man walked in.

Shi Qingxuan caught the sight of He Xuan's reflection as he entered the room. Her face flushed instantly and she stood up so fast that she dropped her hair brush.

Xie Lian also stood up, eager to finally introduce himself to the object of his best friend's affections.

He Xuan was thin and tall, his pale complexion contrasted heavily with his dark hair and clothes. He walked in looking irritated, but he his face softened a little at the sight of Shi Qingxuan.

Ho ho, Xie Lian thought gleefully, it seems like he is not so indifferent to her after all!

"Is everything all set?" his voice was low and quiet. "The model who is going to pose as the bridegroom is almost done too, he will be joining us shortly."

So formal, Xie Lian tsked mentally.

"You have the shooting equipment, right?" Shi Qingxuan asked, trying to mimic He Xuan's nonchalant tone.

He Xuan's eyes hardened and his voice took an annoyed edge. "I asked Hua Cheng to bring it over, but he is running late as usual."

Hua Cheng, what an odd name.

Noticing Xie Lian's curiosity, Shi Qingxuan rolled her eyes and said, "I've met him once before, he's He Xuan's friend."

"Not a friend." He Xuan clarified, his face and voice blank.

Xie Lian was even more curious now. This Hua Cheng seemed like an interesting person. 

He Xuan turned towards him, "thank you for helping us out with our project today." his tone was business like and emotionless.

"Ah it's no big deal!" Xie Lian lied cheerfully. " Xie Lian by the way, nice to meet you."

He Xuan's eyes widened. His former uninterested and formal air completely evaporated. He took a step back and stared curiously at Xie Lian, as if he was suddenly seeing him for the first time.

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