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There she was sitting with legs crossed and the biggest headline flashing in front of her on television

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There she was sitting with legs crossed and the biggest headline flashing in front of her on television. A sigh left her phone and she dialed someone's phone number and waited for a call to connect. "Well done Varun, this is what I was expecting from you and you did not disappoint me". She spoke with a voice filled with authority "thanks, and I am trying to figure out who they were. They do not seem like business rivals to me" the person from the other side of the call replied.

"Yeah, I too do not think they were business rivals anyway. I am about to reach the meeting venue soon so no media" she said. "The whole media is busy capturing photos of your destroyed car. There will be no one to capture the owner of the car, don't worry," he replied and she reached the venue.


Inaya landed at the airport and was going to the meeting venue which was yet 2 hours away when she noticed at least five SUVs following her she was alone in a car driving towards the venue with a black car following her which had her two bodyguards in it. news of her attending this meeting was not widely spread and that was the reason she thought that danger was less but guess what she was completely wrong. Without wasting a second she called Varun and asked him to book a cab five minutes away from her current location and inform the whole media house that she got into an accident, he was confused as hell but did as she said.

There was a lane connecting to the highway as it was not broad enough so it would take time for SUVs to cross different types of shrubs and trees were planted on both sides of the lane. Her car was first in line with a security car following her and five SUVs at its back. Inaya took her stall and kept her luggage bag at the accelerator turned the car into automatic mode, opened the door, and jumped inside the bushes her car window was tinted so it made it impossible for another person to know what was going inside within no time car hit a tree nearby and because of auto made and sudden cold, it flipped.

As soon as she was out of the car she dialed an ambulance and asked them to behave like they found a patient inside the car she then dialed her bodyguards and asked them to go to the hospital with an ambulance while keeping their eyes on those five SUVs following behind.

Everything went according to her plan. Her accident was top news and those five SUVs were roaming around the hospital thinking she was inside it.

 Her accident was top news and those five SUVs were roaming around the hospital thinking she was inside it

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I went inside the cab which I spotted a few meters away from where I was standing. A huge crowd started to gather around the car. The media was live telecasting it all. I know everyone in India is going to freak out but it was important to pull this stunt. Soon I reached the venue while talking to Varun.

"Morning everyone" Inaya wished people sitting inside the meeting room and saw colors from their faces fading away

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"Morning everyone" Inaya wished people sitting inside the meeting room and saw colors from their faces fading away. They all must have seen the headline till now and seeing a person whose car was upside down standing in front of them only feels like a daydream. Even after receiving the biggest shock of the decade, everyone stood in their seats in her respect and she walked towards her chair with a smirk playing on her lips. She took her seat and asked "Should we start the meeting now" Old hunks in the room just nodded their heads.

Varun was the only person enjoying the free show. The meeting started, the project planned by Inaya was simply amazing after all she had worked years on this project "We are impressed by your project model and presentation Miss Pratap, it will be amazing to collab with an Indian brand" person sitting two chairs away from Inaya said he was CEO of the top most construction brand in the world and the project they were talking about is a highway project in new york. "Then the deal was accepted," Inaya said and walked out of the meeting room with Varun following her behind.

 "Then the deal was accepted," Inaya said and walked out of the meeting room with Varun following her behind

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I walked inside the house and saw everyone's faces drenched with tension and their eyes fixed on television photos and headlines of her accident playing on the screen. "Bhai sa should we go to New York" it was Prateek's concern written on his face. Even if my family does not show it much, I know they care a lot about every family member. It is just that they have a fear of my aura and do not interact with me much. I was in my thoughts when the telephone in the living room started ringing and it was my chachi who answered the call and her shocked voice reached my ear "Inaaya...." it was the only word that left her mouth and suddenly the whole family's attention snapped towards the telephone.

"Is Inaya on call?" my mom asked and she nodded. "Mum put the call on speaker," Prateek said and a second later I heard her voice from the telephone "Hello" That was what she spoke and something in her voice calmed the storm going inside me. "Inaya, why are you calling on the telephone and how are you" asked Chachi "I did not have any one of your phone numbers and he was not picking up my call and yeah I am completely fine" she answered and my whole family gave me stares but changed their expression within seconds and damnit my phone have just ran out of battery

. "Bhabhi sa are you injured do you want us to come there" Prateek asked "No i am completely fine nothing has happened to me " she answered and finally i took a breath of relief "then what was the news about" asked Papa "yeah my car got into accident but i was not inside it, i think i will be disconnecting the call I have short of things to take care of" Inaya said "be safe there" this time it was my whole family saying this in unison. Even after she just married me a day ago and had no conversation with my family yet found it important enough to inform us about herself. No doubt she is responsible and understanding.

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