The bat materializes into Fenner's hand, dripping with mortimirium.

"Well, come on then." The O9 says, challenging Fenner even more.

The O9 then senses a movement, as he reels the metal back, swinging it towards Fenner's direction.

While the O9 was swinging, Fenner appeared right infront of him, close to swinging the bat across his face.

"Wait... 2 powerful people swinging-.. THAT'S GONNA EXPLODE THE PLANET!" The O8 says, using his own Anomalous properties to form a rift to space which teleports everyone.

"EVERYONE IN THE BUBBLE!" The O8 creates an impenetrable and soundproof bubble, also full of looping oxygen so humans can still breathe.

When the weapons collide, a massive "PING" and flash of light occurs as the two are sent flying.

"Where the hell did they go?" V says, looking around the space area before a flash of light occurs, being brought to where Fenner and the O9 had ended up.

"Silent Running." The O8 says, as the bubble and everything inside goes invisible.

The O9 crashes into a planet, causing a crater, as he looked around.

Fenner approaches on a hill, looking down at the O9.

Similar to this:

Fenner stares down the O9

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Fenner stares down the O9.

"Looks like you survived that. I am generally impressed." Fenner says.

"As to you." The O9 says.

Fenner looks at the O9's weapon of choice, smirking.

"You know what, I'm gonna ditch the bat. You can keep yours, but I bet I can rip your jugular out using my bare hands." Fenner says, dematerializing the bat and putting his fists up.

The O9 cackles, forming what looks to be a portal infront of himself, and infront of Fenner.

"Sure buddy." The O9 sends a punch into the portal, which comes out the other end, but Fenner maneuvers just in time.

"How did he-..." The O9 stands there confused, wondering how Fenner avoided that sudden attack.

Fenner reels his fist back, kicking off the ground towards the O9, sending a firm punch to the side of their face.

The O9 is sent flying, slipping through a portal to beside Fenner, trying to swing the metal at him.

Fenner jumps back before the attack lands, sending a powerful punch to the O9's gut which sends him flying up.

The O9 lands back down, sending a barrage of attacks to Fenner.

Fenner blocks the attacks, trying to send a counter-attack, but the O9 saw this.

The O9 sends a punch to Fenner's stomach-area, sending him flying, as the O9 looks up at him, kneeling down to spring up towards him.

But before he could actually spring off the ground, Fenner lands back down and causing a shockwave.

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