The Void

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Upon entering the chamber, Fenner was greeted by a weird figure. He looked like a figure from space, or made of cosmic energy. He didn't entirely have a physical presence, more of an outline.

"Good god, you're taller than me." Fenner says, looking up at the figure, who was approximately 10'2.

The figure looks down, slowly backing away.

"I sense great danger from you, your anomalous abilities are off the charts!" The figure says, their voice seeming a little repeated from all the cosmic-like energy.

"... Thanks? I don't know how to react to that." Fenner replies.

The figure inspects Fenner, seemingly studying him.

"I think you're worthy of what I'm capable of. I'm offering to provide surveillance over you in battle. Of course, I won't physically be there, but you'll know I'm there." The figure says.

"Do you accept my offer?" The figure adds on, waiting on Fenner's response.

"Well, I mean... More power couldn't hurt right?" Fenner responds.

"Great." The figure responds happily, seemingly disappearing as Fenner felt a surge of energy course through him, soon feeling the presence of the figure around him.

Fenner kneels down slightly, trying to regain himself from the sudden surge.

"I will provide guidance of an opponents next attack. I call this, 'Whispers From The Void'. It will be useful if you can't predict a next move." The being says to Fenner.

"That's... Actually really useful." Fenner replies.

The chamber opens back up again, as the guards notice the entity was gone.

"Where'd the entity go?" One of the guards say as a couple OV units walk into the chamber, holding up devices, as the devices slightly beep.

"We can't detect the entity's tick level.. But the Snow Wraith is giving off significantly more readings. Before, it was 70-90 ticks, but now it's 300-350 ticks." A guard says, as the rest walk out of the chamber.

"Wait-... Hold up a normal Geiger Counter to AER-3442." A researcher says as a radiation unit holds up a Geiger Counter to Fenner as the counter immediately starts to click and crackle way too fast, almost sounding like it was going to break.

"EVERYONE STAND BACK! HE'S GIVING OFF A LETHAL AMOUNT!" The unit says as they immediately backpedal.

"Lethal? Let me see that." A Commanding Officer says, grabbing the geiger counter and looking at it.

"What the?! HE'S GIVING OFF MORE RADIATION THAN THE COUNTER HAS ON THE DISPLAY!" The C.O says as everyone moves back slightly.

"Forgot about the cosmic radiation... Surprised you were able to withstand it. I'll tone it down so you can still socialize." The being says to Fenner as the radiation seems to go down.

"Alright, the Radiant Aetheric Deviations seem to have gone down significantly. Being in a minimal zone. That's good." The C.O says as everyone seems relieved.

Ivan and Red walk back into the room after hearing all the commotion.

"Is... AER-3442 good to go back?" Ivan asks the crowd.

"He should be, but do mind yourself. He is giving off some RADs." The C.O says to Ivan.

"Alright then, let's go then I guess." Red says as Fenner nods, walking towards Ivan and Red.

They leave the room, walking back down the hallway.

"You know, I kinda like you two. I trust you two very much. I'd like to consider you both as friends of mine." Fenner slightly smiles as the two look to eachother, shrugging.

"I suppose that's a good start." Ivan says, continuing to walk.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrive back at the chamber Fenner resides in.

They walk into the room, seeing the other guards.

"AER-3442 has returned, open the gates!" A voice shouts out as the gates to the chamber itself start to open.

Fenner walks into the chamber, seeing the chamber has changed quite alot. Being much more furnished, and also noticing a second door.

The gates close, the security camera in the room slowly panning to the left and right.

Fenner opens the door, walking through and seeing a simulation that would accurately represent Trench Warfare; or atleast what it's like fighting from trenches.

There was real dirt, mud, and a sprinkler overhead to act as rain. Of course, the rain doesn't affect Fenner due to the forcefield.

Fenner then hops into the trench, seeing his MG-98 materialize infront of him as semi-realistic holograms of American soldiers start running towards the trench.

Fenner grabs hold of the MG, firing at the holograms as the holograms collapse and disappear, reappearing at the end of the room.

It's been a few hours, and Fenner is now back in the main room, deactivated.

The security camera is still supervising Fenner, as extra guards watch Fenner through windows installed on the walls.

This is a build-up for a fight between Fenner and the Anomalous Man. It will be similar to the Cosmic Garou VS Saitama fight, so expect alot of references to the fight.

The fight will (probably) occur next chapter.

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