Deadly discovery

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"She killed an exorcist in the last extermination. She knows how they can be harmed."

That statement alone had Vaggie floored. She became unfocused as a deafening ringing filled the room. The angel could feel her legs shake, almost giving out on her. She barely even registered herself telling Charlie that she didn't even know that was possible. She saw Charlie's lips move out of the corner of her eyes, probably a jab at the fact she kept her identity as an exorcist a secret but she couldn't hear a word falling from her lips as she walked passed her. God the ringing was so loud she couldn't even hear anyone's footsteps. Or maybe they stoped moving, she doesn't know she hasn't looked back. All Vaggie could think about was the fact an angel, an exorcist specifically, could be killed. Did Adam know that? Did Lute? She doubts they do, after all if they did then she-

She felt bile rise in her throat, threatening to spill out but she forced it back down, hands rushing up to cover her mouth as her knees buckled under forcing her to hunch over herself. She barely felt the hands touching her back and grabbing her arm. She didn't even hear the persons shout of her name. But, god could anyone blame her. All Vaggie could think about was being back in that alley. And how different things could've been. She knew Lute wasn't a merciful person. So had the lieutenant known that angels could be killed then,

"I never would've left that alley alive....."

Charlie felt bad when she had asked the woman if she would've told her had she known angels can be killed, she still held love for the angel, but she's been lied to by omission for 3 years. She has a right to be angry with her. As much as she doesn't want to be. She turned back to the exorcist when she got no reply. "Right now we have a job to do. Are you with us?" She asked with her chin up stubbornly high. She's sure she has a sour look on her face even if it pains her to look at the one she loves like that but again she's mad. So she kept the question in the air not breaking her act to hide how much this is truly breaking her but after a few minutes of silence from the unmoving from the angel had brought concern to front her emotions. Concern had been one of the many swirling emotions she's had face alone for the past few days as some pieces weren't fitting comfortably in the puzzle that was how she missed the details. The scars on her back and chronic back pain more specifically. But right now the silence had her concerned. She exchanged a confused look with Alastor. Maybe she didn't hear her? "Vaggie?" She asked, walking slowly to the woman. She finally noticed the frantic and panicked look in her eye. She jolted back when she saw it. What's going on with her girlfriend?

The angel was on her knees, covering her mouth in a matter of seconds. Charlie's eyes grew wide in shock. "Vaggie!" And before she knew it she was next to the angel, an arm reaching around her back while her free hand grabbed the fallen angels arm to try and support her. Charlie couldn't help the panic that rose in her, sure she had been mad at her but she never wanted to cause this kind of reaction from her. She tried to get Vaggie's attention, tried to get her to tell Charlie what was wrong but after some time she realized how out of it the Angel is. She didn't even turn to look at her. Charlie looked around the room to try and find something that could help in this situation but before she could even move she heard the Angel whisper "I never would've left that alley alive....." causing her head to snap back to Vaggie and a lump to form in throat.

Ok fuck being angry at this point, She's terrified to find out what Vaggie meant by that! Charlie realized that if she tried to verbally reach out to the Angel then she won't be heard, so she moved in front of the woman and gently titled her head up to look at her. Vaggie's eye was as wide as her own, fear being extremely prominent, her anxiety must be at an all time high right now. Which isn't good for anyone right now. As much as Charlie wanted her to explain, she had to calm down before she could get any answer out of her. She took the angels hand in her own and brought it to lay against her chest while placing her other hand gently on the angels chest. It's something they do if the other is non responsive, a way to signal the other to follow their breathing and help them calm down.

Deadly discovery Where stories live. Discover now