chapter 1

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It was a rainy night at, deep down in there was a wonderful place called playcare, a kids orphanage to live in, there are kids in home sweet home the kids were in bed sleeping but there is one who's not a child, there is a 15 year old teenage girl by the name of Mia, she was the first teenage in playcare, she didn't get adopted, she never knew her real family, she never know what happened to them when she was 3 years old, right now she was awake at night, looking down to her knees with a sad look on her face, for Beck was on the pillow in the headboard, she was thinking if Mia will have a family or not, she turned to the window of home sweet home, seeing fake clouds, fake grass, fake rocks, fake trees and fake sky,

Mia: I hope I get a family soon and then leave this place that I was in.

Mia said she lay down on her bed, pull the covers and continue looking out the window

Mia: one day maybe I'll have a family, one day

Mia said she close her eyes and went to sleep

Next morning

Mia POV:

I woke up by the sound of children running and laughing,

Mia: well time to get ready

I got out of bed and went to the closet, I pick a red long sleeve shirt, a blue overall dress that has a star on the pocket, a weight in white belt with a star on it, red tall socks, black boots and my bag,

 I walk out through the door and walk down the hallway to get to the door of the outside of play care, I stopped for a moment, some of the kids didn't get up so I went to the kids room and I was right there were some kids sleeping, I stand in the ...

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I walk out through the door and walk down the hallway to get to the door of the outside of play care, I stopped for a moment, some of the kids didn't get up so I went to the kids room and I was right there were some kids sleeping, I stand in the middle of the room and said,

Mia: rise and shine kids it's time for a new day

After getting all the kids out of bed we all went to the lunch room to get breakfast, we were having pancakes for breakfast, after we eat breakfast we all go outside, today will be going to the game station for a minute, all kids were running around screaming laughing and playing, I sit on the bench where I can watch the kids, some kids ran past me, some kids ask me some questions, then I think of something what it's missing,

Mia: am I going to be adopted soon, I don't know if I'll be adopted or not, I haven't been adopted in years, I grew up in play care since that day I came when I was 3 years old what happened to my parents, what happened to them I never met them why is my memory always a raise when I haven't seen them,

I thought, I continue to watch the kids playing, after a minute it was time to head to the game station, we all went to this game station and we saw the adults and some kids playing, I send the bench where I can watch the kids, when I suddenly noticed something pink, I already know it was Mommy Long legs, she was nice lady ever met, she was like a mother figure to me, I really like her, she was so nice, mommy long legs notice me and went up to me,

Mommy Long legs: Mia good morning dear how are you doing?

Mia: good morning to you too, I'm doing good mommy,

Mommy Long legs: that's good to hear dear, the kids seem to really like you lot dear, like you are a big sister to the children Mia

Mia: yeah I can really tell I did a good job, am I right?

Mommy Long legs: you are very right dear, say mommy heard they are making a new toy

Mia: a new toy? Do you know anything what the new toy is mommy?

Mommy Long legs: I'm really not quite sure dear but we'll have to see, well I got to get back see ya soon dear,

Mia: bye mom

She smiled and went back to the kids, she always like that I called her mom, she's really a good person and I went through my thoughts, I feel a tap on my leg and I looked down it was a boy, he had brown short hair, green eyes, a gray t-shirt, blue jeans, and red and white tennis shoes, I know this boy his name was Mike, he was such a good kid,

Mia: yes Mike?

Mike: I heard you and Mommy were talking about a new toy, when will we see the new toy?

Mia: I'm not sure what type of toy it is, but don't worry we'll find out soon, now go play now,

Mike: ok

He ran back to his friends, and start playing, I smile that I did a great job, after hours pass by it was time for use to head back to play care, wave to Mommy Long legs goodbye, she wave back at me, me and the kids went back to play care and head to home sweet home, it was almost night time, the kids all went to bed and I went to my room, close the door, changing into my pajamas, and lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling,

Mia:........... Am I going to be adopted soon?

I asked myself, always keep thinking of that and haven't slept, I really have a hard time sleeping sometimes, I don't know why but it was another day for today, it was okay, but wondering what the new toy look like in this factory,

Mia: tomorrow's going to be another day, maybe the new toy will come soon

I said to myself, I close my eyes and went to sleep

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