Chapter 2

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Third P.O.V.

It was currently the funeral for Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon. Aerion was staring at his mother's wrapped body with tears in his eyes. He took his mother's death the hardest and everyone knew it. Nyxondra was staring at her rider with sad eyes knowing his pain. 

"They're waiting for you

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"They're waiting for you." Rhaenys whispered to Aerion. 

"D..." Aerion starts but stops causing Nyxondra to vocalize as Aerion stares back at his father who looked distraught. "Dracarys!" 

Nyxondra moves from her spot and got closer to the pyre before she blows fire on it. 

*Time skip*

Aerion decides to go for a walk but stops when he hears talking. It was his father's room and the door was opened. 

"Your son is getting closer to the marriage age, Your Grace." Otto's voice is heard. 

"Yes, I know that." Viserys agrees. "But I don't know who to pick for him. Lord Corlys, Princess Rhaenys, any thoughts?" 

"You have seen how Aerion is around our daughter, Laena." Rhaenys starts. 

"Betroth them to each other. They have been stuck to the hip since Laena could walk and you've seen how he was at the tourney when it got a bit too bloody." Corlys ends.

"A wonderful idea. But to be sure we keep a close eye on the two." Viserys said.

Aerion heard walking and he quickly runs to the garden where he sees Laena walking the gardens with a few handmaidens. He slows down and he approaches them. 

"Ladies, Lady Laena." Aerion spoke causing them to turn and quickly bow. 

"Prince Aerion." Were heard from the ladies. 

"Leave us." Laena said and the handmaidens leave. 

Aerion offers his arm and Laena takes it. 

"Hello, Laena. How are you today?" Aerion asks walking up to the girl.

"I'm doing well. How about you, Aerion?" Laena asks.

"I'm perfectly fine. Just missing my mother is all." Aerion said. 

Laena hugs him offering him comfort. He hugs back as a thanks. 

"I overheard our parents talking." Aerion starts as they stop hugging and continue to walk the gardens. 

"About?" Laena asks. 

"They are thinking about betrothing us together." Aerion answered. 

"We have to convince them to betroth us. I can't imagine marrying someone else." Laena said. "Oh please, Aerion. Convince our parents." 

"I will try. But would you like to see Nyxondra?" Aerion asks. 

"Yes!" Laena said happily, as the two walk to the Dragon Pit.

Up above on a balcony watching them was Rhaenyra, Aerion's younger sister in envy.  

They make it to Nyxondra's cave where she rushes out to greet her rider who smiles. 

"Hello, Nyx. How are you?" Aerion asks as he lets go of Laena walking closer to his dragon. 

Nyxondra purrs as he pets her. She then looks past her rider and sees Laena who's she's met before. She walked closer to the girl who pets her. 

"Hello, Nyxondra." Laena said softly.

Nyxondra purrs against the girl's hand. Aerion smiles happy that his dragon and the girl he likes are getting along. 

"Prince Aerion! Lady Laena!" A voice says.

The three turn to see Ser Harrold. Nyxondra growls but with a pat on her snout from Aerion calms her down. 

"King Viserys has asked for you. As your parents have asked for you Lady Laena." Ser Harrold said.

"We'll be right there." Aerion said before he says by to his dragon as she flew back into her cave.

They quickly walk back to the castle and separate ways to their respective parents. Aerion arrives at his father's room and a guard announces him. He walks in to see his father seated at his model of King's Landing with Alicent a few feet from him. He knew that Otto wanted his blood on the throne so he knew his plane because he is the Master of Whispers. 

"Aerion..." Viserys greets. "Alicent, you may take your leave." 

Alicent leaves giving Aerion a look. 

"If you asked me here to tell me that I'm of marriage age. I already know, father." Aerion said before his father could speak. 

"Of course you do." Viserys mumbled. "But there is several other matters I wish to speak with you." 

Aerion looks at his father. 

"Father?" Aerion asks confused. 

"The council wants me to marry again. I want your word on the matter." Viserys states.

"Mother hasn't been dead for a while and they want you to marry already. That's just cruel." Aerion said pacing back and forth, before he stopped. "They want a replacement for when I die don't they?"

"They didn't say it directly but yes that's what they were referring to." Viserys answered. 

"What's the other matter?" Aerion asks. 

"We haven't talked since your mother's death." Viserys starts causing his son to stop moving.

"Yes, and even though it was your fault for her death. I shouldn't hold grudges against you. You are the only parent I have left." Aerion spoke softly.

"Your sister doesn't see it that way." Viserys said. 

"She's stubborn. And she blames you." Aerion responded. 

"Yeah, I realized that." Viserys said.

"If that's all you wanted to discuss with me I'll take my leave." Aerion said, starting to walk towards the door before he realizes something. "Also father." 

"Yes, Aerion?" Viserys asks.

"Please stop seeing Alicent. Her father wants to put his blood on the throne even if that means killing me so I'm not the king. Just refuse to marry anyone or pick someone who's older than Alicent." Aerion said. 

"Of course. I promise." Viserys said. 

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