Two hours, three hours pass like this, and after four hours Lucas decides to leave 'cause it's late and he has to continue studying.

This went well. I cleared up a lot of doubts, I studied, I had fun, I had a good time. Everything I thought wouldn't happen, happened, but it was a good thing!

When he gets up he gets very dizzy, but he thinks it's because he got up too quickly. Without giving it much importance, he says goodbye and leaves there. He starts walking towards his room, which isn't that far away.

He holds on to the wall as his vision begins to blur. When he reaches the hallway where his room is, he sees Alex in the distance, with whom he tries to start a conversation.

L - Hey.. Alex! [chuckles]

Alex looks at him and notices his peculiar attitude. Lucas gets a little closer and Alex smells alcohol.

Hold on.. is he drunk? I-I don't get it. Why would he be? I mean... his dad is an alcoholic and I really don't think he wants to end up like him.

L - What you doing, huh? Alex?
A - Lucas, why are you drunk?
L - W-Why am I what?..

Lucas stumbles but Alex catches him, preventing him from falling. He's unsteady, and his gaze wanders. Alex holds him firmly to prevent him from staggering further. Lucas gently caresses Alex's arms, causing him to feel shivers run through his body. Lucas looks up, but averts his gaze to his mole. He smiles slightly, making Alex nervous.

L - Hmm.. this thing of yours.. can I?

He says, directing his index finger towards Alex's mole, touching it.

Lucas lets out a sigh before looking away and then closing his eyes. He tries to take a step but inevitably stumbles, Alex holds him almost hugging him, but Lucas faints and falls, knocking him over.

Alex falls on top of Lucas, with his head on his chest. After a couple of seconds recovering from the blow, he looks up and finds his face just a few centimeters from his. He observes him in detail for a few seconds, appreciating each of his details very closely, such as the shape of his lips, his eyelashes, some tiny moles he has.

He blinks a few times and reacts.

What should I do? Take him to my room? That would be.. weird. But I don't know where else to take him. I can't leave him lying here, and if I knew which room was his, I would take him there, but I don't.

Alex sighs and with a little effort picks him up in his arms. He pushes the door to his room and enters. Very carefully he lays him down on his bed. He takes a few steps back and looks at him. Then he looks away and begins to wonder if what he did was right.

He leaves his room and without having a specific place in mind, he begins to walk. After a little more than 10 minutes wandering around, the idea of ​​going in search of some food for when Lucas wakes up comes to mind, so he heads to the cafeteria.

Meanwhile, for the next hour Lucas sleeps soundly. When he wakes up he's confused, with a headache, sweating, not knowing where he is or being able to remember what happened.

"Where am I?", he wonders.

He looks around and realizes he's in someone's room, freaking out a little. He sits with his knees drawn to his chest and sighs.

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