"A smile is hope. A smile is love. A smile is understanding. And there is nothing more gratifying to my soul than being the reason for a child's smile. To be the spark that ignites all their hopes and dreams. For it is only through hopes and dreams that we may create a better world. One where our children need not be afraid. One where they are protected. After all, this company and its toys are nothing without them. These children deserve to smile, they deserve to love, and they deserve a safe home."

While Ludwig was speaking about children and their smiles, we entered the giant dome in the middle of the cave. It was a surprise to me since Mommy's been here already, the top of the dome was painted fully blue and huge fake clouds were hanging from the ceiling, just to imitate the real sky. There was a statue in the middle with seven standing figures, one fallen down onto the ground and in ruins. The statue was surrounded by five buildings, one looked like an ordinary house, another like a circus, a shop, a fancy building and a school.

"That is why it is with enormous pleasure that as the founder of Playtime Co., I announce... PLAYCARE! Our very own onsite orphanage. But it's not only that. It's a school, a playhouse, a place to belong. Our very own ecosystem beneath the surface, dedicated in every inch and detail to ensuring a child's smile. It's teachers and counselors, mothers and fathers, until such a time they have all of that in you. May Playcare bring joy, inspiration, and smiles to all who enter these doors. For what gives life its meaning, if not a smile?"

The cable car stopped at the end and the door to Playcare slowly opened. I stepped out, though Mommy was a bit hesitant. I turned around after not hearing Mommy exit the vehicle behind me.

"Everything's okay?" Mommy just nodded and stepped out. 

"If you don't want to come with me here you don't have to." I told her, worrying for her since I know what happened to her here. She seemed to smile at that and placed one of her hands on my shoulder.

"Thanks for worrying about me, (Y/N)." Mommy thanked before stepping out also.

The moment the toy stepped out, the phone on my waistband started ringing. I pressed the 'Accept call' button, and Ollie's voice could be heard speaking.

"(Y/N), it's me again, Ollie. Cool place, right? The kids used to live here. Now look at it. Anyways... do you see that statue in the middle of the room? Take the stairs that go under it. There's a really cool room in there that powers literally ALL of Playcare! I can give you a key down there." Ollie explained. 

"Really? Well, that room's the first place I'm checking out after looking around the place." I rubbed my chin, looking at the five building.

"We don't really have the time for that... Anyways, I also see you ran into Mommy Long Legs as well. Mommy, I have a task for you as well, if you may." Mommy gave a hum, telling Ollie to continue. "I'm sending our friend (Y/N) into the Gas Production Zone. I want you to try and stay by his side no matter what just to ensure his safety. CatNap tried killing him once, he may as well come for another round."

"You didn't even have to tell me I have to look out for him! That's what I'm doing right now." Mommy shook her head, resting it in one of her palms.

"Great to hear. Now go to that room I told you about." Both Mommy and I nodded as we heard Ollie hang up.

I took the first move by turning towards the stairs that lead down towards the middle of the giant dome, to the statue. Hearing footsteps behind me I smiled, knowing that I'm finally not going to be alone when facing another one of these big toys.


The first thing I notice next to the door that's my destination is a large simplified map of the Playcare. I took a second to look at it, reading the names of the locations.

Mommy Long Legs X M!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang