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Tate didn't expect a phone call from the cops so early in the day , but it happened and he answered suspiciously

His tense muscles relaxing as soon as he hears Ian's voice on the other side . Then he was putting down his paint brush and slipping a shirt on before he left his apartment as quickly as possible to get down to the station

" they didn't steal it ", a dark head woman yells out as tate walked through towards the reception

" hi ... uh , liz ", tate smiles charmingly as he read the name tag off of the officers pocket and looks back to her

" what can I do for you ?", she raises a brow as she looked through the glass barrier between them

" I'm gonna be posting bail for a ian .. Ian Gallagher ", he tells her calmly

" okay ... let me just check this , one moment ..", she nods as she looks back to her computer screen and a group of 4 rush over to tate , him recognising the woman who was just yelling at an officer along with said officer stood beside her as they looked at him

" excuse me , did you say ian Gallagher ?", she asks him as she came into his personal space and glanced at the woman who was getting the documents up for him

" uh , yeah , I was his one phone call.... Oh , you his family , right ?", he raises a brow

" yeah , n how do you know ian ?", the woman urged

" bail is gonna be 5,000$ for ian Gallagher under grand theft auto ", the officer interupts as she looked back to tate

" yeah , that's great , I'll pay in full ", tate nods , pulling his wallet from his card and looking to her

" holy fuck", the woman breathes out from behind him as he smiled at the woman and put in his card details and ran over his billing adress

" okay , it's all gone through , I'll get someone to bring him out for you in just a moment ", she smiles , typing a few more things on the computer before turning to another officer and telling them to bring ian out due to his bail being paid

Ians being escorted out not too long after and the woman is rushing over to hug him tightly , a small red headed girl hugging him as well

" Tate ", Ian breathes out , smiling when he sees him and tate looks him over before giving him a small hug

" hey , freckles , you doing okay ?", tate whispers out , keeping his voice quiet so Ian's family or any onlookers wouldn't hear him

" yeah , thankyou ... I don't know how I'm ever gonna repay you ", Ian sighs out as he shakes his head , looking up at tate thankfully

" we cool , yknow I got you", tate hums out under his breathe , brows furrowing at how Ian still seemed to look so worried
" what's wrong ?"

" nothing you gotta worry about , it's just lip-

" you're brother?", tate asks before realisation crosses his features and he sighs as he turns back to the receptionist

" hey liz , imma need to pay bail for a ..", tate raises a brow as he glances to Ian - who shakes his head , not wanting tate to go further than he already has , and he didn't even know how much his bail costed yet , but Ian was older and had already claimed it was him that stole the car , it was gonna be allot more than Ian's

" Phillip Gallagher ", Ian bretahes out unwillingly after tate gave him a look and tate turn back to the officer

" right , I'd like to pay Phillip Gallaghers bail ", tate nods , waiting a few moments as she drew up the documents and Ian was whisper yelling a argument between the woman and himself a few feet away once she heard he was paying for his bail

" uh , Phillip Gallaghers bail hasn't been posted yet ", the woman furrows her brows as she read of the screen , and tate blinks before pulling up his sleev and checking the time and raising a brow as he looked back at her

" it's been longer than 8 hours , don't under 18- wait , Ian ? How old is he ?", tate turns back around to the authoring siblings

" 17 ", both the woman and Ian answer

" right . Well , there's a 2 hour time limit for under 18s for bail to be posted . Phillips under 18 ", tate tells her calmly as he rested his elbows onto the side and looked at her

" I noted ... but it seams that they're trying to take him as an adult in court due to previous mishaps on his record ", liz tells him with a helpless shrug and tate blinks at her

" not an adult . It's gone past 2 hours ", he repeats himself and she sighs

" as I said , it seems they're trying him as an adult , so they've not posted his bail yet", she tells him again

" okay , well I'd like to meet whoever's on his case . Previous mishaps or not , it's gone past the 2 hour limit , he's underage , and I can tell them confidently that I will sue them if I don't get a bail posted to pay ", tate tells her before smiling sweetly " so , how long will this take , I have a meeting in two hours "


It was surprisingly easy to lay off the man to get lip out and for the case to disappear onto nothing , but it didn't change the fact he had a busy and well scheduled day ahead of him and he didn't think he'd even have a glimpse to see ian that day until he called

So it left hun leaving the moment the deal was over , before lip was taken out of his handcuffs or being out at all , he just left with a small goodbye to Ian , wishing to kiss him sweetly like they usually did but he had to settle for a small thankful hug and a yelled thanks from the woman before he was leaving in a rush for him to get his day properly started

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