2. broke my moment

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Jure did not walk very straight but it was because he was striving to run or jump every two meters. Nothing unusual or even related to the evening. Kris' confident and classy approach had taken a hit.

"You're not my mother!" Bojan squeaked.

He tried somehow to pretend to struggle when the doll-faced guitarist wanted to readjust his jacket collar as they both walked sideways. Instead, Bojan just seemed to be groping Kris' head.

"Hopefully not." Kris said, who, once his task was done, flattened his large hand in the middle of the singer's face by pushing him back.

As if he had programmed Bojan himself, the younger immediately returned to fall on him. Kris took him by the shoulders and Bojan hugged him with all his strength like a huge tube of toothpaste. Clumsy strength after a few... lots of drinks. The tall one pressed his face against the top of his skull and his own cheeks that were already crushing his eyes with his laughter left nothing but a glimpse of happiness on his face. He wrapped Bojan with his arms as if he were his Christmas present that he had just opened with joy. Bojan also laughed like a child, huddled against Kris as hard as he could. Jure ran over there, sharing their mood. He joins the embrace after a very enthusiastic invitation.

"Jureeee" Bojan shouted.

The tall musician, meanwhile, continued with a noisy "Heeeeeeey!" and released an arm to wrap Jure with. Bojan did the same. So they were all tangled.

The bassist – visibly much more sober than the infernal love trio – advanced in parallel, if one considered that the embrace group advanced straight. He shivered, his hands in his pockets but already warmed by the happiness he felt at watching his band of friends express this overflowing affection he also shared. It was part of those simple moments when, with a simple look, we felt an infinite gratitude for what life had given us to get there.

As they entered a large parking lot, the only remaining lights were those of streetlights scattered around the cars. Bojan had been ecstatic at the idea of taking a ride on their new tour bus. He insisted on taking it even for concert dates in Ljubljana. "To acclimatize" he said. Everyone knew it was a phony excuse, but they already shared this euphoria and haste, so no need to contradict him.

The boys continued to hold each other half by the shoulders, dancing, or swinging; it was not very clear, perhaps they did not know it themselves.

"Do you know where Jan went?" Nace said, wanted to interrupt them as little as possible.

Kris raised his head, which was easier for him since only his was higher .

"Went smoking. I think that way."

He made a very vague gesture of the hand, but Nace understood that he designated the bus. And since Peteh was nowhere to be seen, he must have been behind.

He was leaning behind the bus in the darkness, the orange ember of the cigarette being particularly distinguished. The nearest streetlamp stood on the other side of the bus, so that Jan stood completely in the shadow of it.

But he was visible enough that Nace knew he had spoken without looking at him.

"Wanna take a puff?"

Nace, who was now a step away from him, shrugged a shoulder. Jan looked at him vaguely and held out the cigarette towards his mouth once he knew where it was. Nace did so and then Jan brought the cigarette back to his own. They blew a cloud of smoke simultaneously.

"The adrenaline goes down?" Nace asked by dropping against the bus, identical to Jan.

"I am a little dizzy." the other replied with a quiet laugh.

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