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Wake up, eat, drink and train. Wake up, eat, drink and train. Wake up, eat, drink and train. That's my life in a quick second. Right?

My life is no different then that. My parents sold me for money after I was born so I never got to meet them. I only have pictures of them, sadly. They sold me to this place called the red room. They apparently got millions as I am ,and I quote, a valuable test subject.

I am the captain of my team here at the red room. I sleep in a bunker with 17 other girls. They all have the same experience as me. We are all different in our own way but the red room tries to make us the same. We are all taught to think the same way and to  live the same way. But I don't think we have to live this way, I will find a way out and a cure for this mind control.

We always start our day by waking up at 6 am. We then do our hygiene stuff, go to the mess hall and eat. Today I hung out with 5 of the other girls. Their names our Lavender, Scarlett, Willow, Aurelia and Beate. We were originally given numbers like the clones. We talked about our recent missions.

,,So any news to give life" Y/N said knowing  all their lives are the same

,,Well you know the usual, almost died in training though, wait Y/N I have an idea"
Willow exclaimed ignoring her patient peers

,, What Willow, I swear if it's a stupid idea you have shower cleaning for two weeks" Y/N siad annoyingly

,, You are a captain, you have a bigger voice then the rest of us solider combined-

,,Get to the point"

,,HEY, don't rush me. So could you ask for them to give us breaks or something"

,, shower cleaning for two weeks"

,, NO, you can't do that!"

,, it was a stupid question, it would take awhile, now if you say anything utterly stupid again I'm adding more weeks"


,,I had a good time, I got to vist Kamonio" Scarlett said

'Oooo what was it like? Find a love?' Aruelia said

'Can you actually get a brain? Please, for the sake of all of us. And no I did not. There was always a thunderstorm and the clones are very nice, plus they are all unique in there very own way.'

'Are any hot looking'

'Really? I can't even with you'

'ARE SOME OF THEM HOT? Come please tell me, I never even saw a clone before'

'Fine, some of them are.'

Suddenly Y/Ns comm starts beeping.


Y/N made her way to the medical room .

'AH hi y/n we have to do a check up on you'

You didn't know who this was. You were really great friends with the medics but you don't know this one. Is he new or did you forget about him?

He starts to take your blood and checks your blood pressure will he is at it. He then reads over your chart and talks to another medic. They said something about m count but what is that and why does it affect me?

He lets you go but you just get informed you have to go on a mission.

You have to go to a system called Umbara.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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