"It's not like Weaselstar not to mention something," said Foxjump, his green eyes narrowed suspiciously. "I wonder what's up with her?"

His brother, the orange-and-white tom Sunsplash, lashed his tail. "That's none of our concern." His green eyes were fixed on the BlackClan leader.

"Who put thorns in your nest?" Foxjump's tail bristled.

"FireClan, we're leaving." Yellowstar flicked her golden tail for the rest to follow. Maplepaw got in line, her ears buzzing. That was weird. She tried not to stare at Sunsplash. Toms are weird. Did Sunsplash and Weaselstar know each other somehow? On the walk back across the tree bridge, Sunsplash's ginger tail stayed bushed up, and Foxjump kept glancing back at his brother with a mixture of annoyance and concern.

I'll ask Redpoppy about it, Maplepaw thought. Her mother would know what it all meant. If only I could ask her about my problems, too... Maplepaw sighed as she followed Wrenpaw into Thunder forest. Even Redpoppy wouldn't understand that.

Back in camp, she found Bloompaw curled in the medicine cat den next to Cloudstep, with Redpoppy dozing outside. She lay in an awkward pose with her ears still angled toward the medicine cat den, as if she hadn't meant to fall asleep.

"Redpoppy," Maplepaw whispered, nudging her mother's flank with her nose. "Mom. Mom."

"Hmm? Oh, Maple, it's you." Redpoppy woke with a start. "Bloompaw--"

"She's asleep," Maplepaw soothed. "Cloudstep's lying next to her. She's fine."

"I know." Redpoppy sighed. "A mother tends to worry." Her eyes darkened as she glanced into the shadow of the medicine cat den. "I never expected motherhood would be so hard."

"Mom?" Maplepaw's chest twisted. "What do you mean?" What did I do? Does she know about me?

Redpoppy's orange eyes cleared suddenly. "I didn't mean it that way, my dear. All the worry in Thunder is worth it to watch you two grow up." She purred proudly. "Thrushflight tells me you're an impeccable fighter."

"I do my best," Maplepaw said simply.

"How was the Gathering? It must have been scary, seeing all those cats for the first time."

"It was weird." She launched into a story about Weaselstar's reticence and Sunsplash's strange temper. "There must be something going on I don't know about. Do you think Sunsplash knows her somehow? The BlackClan leader? Maybe--maybe they're kin?"

Redpoppy shook her head. "Sunsplash is Yellowstar's kin," she said. "His and Foxjump's mother, Tallflower, was Yellowstar's sister. She died of greencough many moons ago. No one likes to talk about it." She sighed. "My mother, Softfeather, died then, too."

"Oh, Mom, I'm sorry." Maplepaw pressed her flank against Redpoppy's.

"They hunt with StarClan now. I know I'll meet them both again one day."

"What is StarClan like?" asked Maplepaw in what she hoped was an innocent voice. Are they as spooky as the shadow voices? Could that be StarClan?

"That's not for us to know." Her mother averted her eyes. "Only leaders and medicine cats. We should be thankful they don't speak to us much. When StarClan speaks, it's usually to warn the Clans about some catastrophe we're not prepared for. The territories have known peace for a long time."

"Right." Maplepaw looked away, too. "I suppose that's good, then."

"Maplepaw? Is something on your mind? Something other than Sunsplash?"

Maplepaw's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now