"Mother told me when she was a 'paw, Paletuft and Yellowstar were super close. Like, super close. Always getting into mischief together. Imagine Petaltuft getting into mischief."

"You don't think--"

"If you're quite finished chattering like squirrels," growled Jaggedclaw, "we'd like to get a move on."

"Yes, Jaggedclaw." Maplepaw hung her head, abashed. Sorry.

Paletuft flicked her tail and slithered through the thorns around the hollow entrance. Maplepaw followed, hurrying to walk beside Thrushflight. He purred warmly. I wish he really was my dad...

"I can't believe you're an apprentice already," Thrushflight said as they walked. They headed toward the BlackClan border first, Paletuft's mouth open to scent the air. "I remember the day you two were born. No one knew Redpoppy was even with kits. Rabbitleap's kits had only been born four moons before." He chuckled. "You didn't get along with Frecklepaw then, either."

"Really?" She tilted her head. "I don't remember that." We were denmates?

"You were too young. Once time, I--" He paused, frowning. "Hold on." They'd reached the scent line. Maplepaw wrinkled her nose at the strong, acrid stench of Shadow forest. Nothing but pine trees! How could any cat stand that smell? Copying the warriors, she flicked her tail to leave her mark on the Thunder side of the border.

Paletuft lead them along the border, toward the moors. Wrenpaw, Jaggedclaw, and Birchnose followed close behind, with Maplepaw and Thrushflight making up the rear.

"You were saying?" Maplepaw's pelt itched with curiosity.

"I--I think your mother should tell you," the warrior said sheepishly.

"What!" She flicked her tail angrily. "Can't you just tell me?" She stretched her eyes wide, trying to look innocent. "Pleeeeeaase, Thrushflight? After all, you're the one who brought it up." She flicked his ear with her tail. "You shouldn't temp a cat with a juicy mouse just to swatch it away."

The brown tabby tom shuffled his paws awkwardly. "Fine," he said, "but don't let Redpoppy know I told you. When you were just two days old, we left you with Rabbitleap for a minute so Redpoppy could stretch her legs. When we came back, you were hardly breathing... Frecklepaw--Frecklekit then--was standing over you, looking guilty. Rabbitleap was asleep. Cloudstep had to get you breathing again." He shook his head, his amber eyes shadowed. "She said she was just playing. We're still not sure what happened."

Maplepaw tripped over a root and yelped in surprise. Frecklepaw hurt me? She shook herself roughly. What did I ever do to her? She wanted to yowl aloud. She wanted to race into the trees. Why?

"Does Frecklepaw remember?"

Thrushflight shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"Stop daydreaming and get a move on," Jaggedclaw hissed.

Thrushflight laid his tail protectively around her shoulders. "She tripped," he meowed.

"Kits!" Birchnose lashed his tail, but his eyes glimmered with amusement.

Maplepaw shook her ears roughly to clear her head. Frecklepaw. A sense of foreboding gripped her chest. She focused on the warm, familiar scent of Thrushflight's pelt to banish it.

By the time the patrol reached the TallClan border, Maple's legs were shaky from tiredness. As she laid her mark next to Wrenpaw's, a new scent bathed her mouth: TallClan! A border patrol was heading their way, tails raised proudly. A skinny gray tom lead the patrol.

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