Chapter Twenty One | Seriously?

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After the hug, Nick and Gary had left on their search for the missing campers and counselors, heading out together with their flashlights into the pitch black

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After the hug, Nick and Gary had left on their search for the missing campers and counselors, heading out together with their flashlights into the pitch black.

Nick having to get Aviva to hold Angelina back from following after him, it being the only thing that Nick and Aviva had ever agreed on, not wanting Angelina running around outside where there's danger.

They always fought about Angelina and her relationships with both Nick and Aviva, yet the thing that also brought Nick and Aviva together and agree with was Angelina, it was a weird dynamic the two had.

Not long after Nick and Gary had left, Ziggy also ran out of the Mess Hall, yelling something about how they forgot Shelia.

Aviva knew it was her job to make sure that the campers actually stayed in the Mess Hall and not go outside, she couldn't help but let her pettiness win as she pretended to not see Ziggy leave, turning a blind eye.

Finally Angelina had begun to exit her shock state, shaking it off as she took deep breaths and went back into counselor mode, counting all of the campers every few minutes as more of them entered the Mess Hall, being sent back by Nick or Gary.

Every time a camper entered those doors was like a sigh of relief to Angelina, it always meaning that Nick was still out there and alive as he sent them back.

Awhile after this Kurt burst through the doors in a panic, taking in all the worried faces of the campers and pushing his hair back with his hand, his hair slightly wet.

He'd told Aviva and Angelina that he'd been with Joan in his cabin and when he'd went to get a shower that he came back and she was dead on the floor, running into Nick who sent him back here.

With Kurt joining them they eventually were able to get the phone back working, successfully contacting the police and have a bus being sent there way to collect everyone.

The bus had pulled up before the police had, shocker, it was like they didn't care that there was innocent people, children dying.

Ringing the bell like Nick told him to, Kurt let them know of the signal one last time, alerting everyone still outside that the bus was leaving.

"Come on! Get in", Aviva yelled, directing kids up onto the bus.

"Quickly", Angelina joined, looking around wildly as she tried to spot Nick.

"That's everyone", Kurt then told the two girls as he left the Mess Hall, having cleared it out.

"No, that can't be", Angelina shook her head, having been counting heads and not getting up to a high enough number.

"Anyone that's left is out there, which means their probably dead", Kurt said truthfully, being right. "We have to go."

Standing aside Kurt let the two ladies go first, Aviva stepping on first and Angelina placing her foot on the step, going to push up and get on the bus before she paused.

"Lina?", Kurt questioned, having been ready to get on after her, stopping before he bashed into her.

"Angelina?", Aviva turned back to see her friend looking out and scanning the area of camp. "Come on!", Aviva tried to tug her on the arm.

"I can't leave him here", Angelina told them, pushing herself out of the door.

"Your joking", Aviva prayed that her friend was joking.

"Lina, get your butt on the bus", Kurt stepped in front of her, blocking her from moving.

"I...", Angelina looked between the pitch black camp and then to the bus and Aviva nodding for her to get back on. "I can't!"

As she said that she rushed past Kurt, running off and back into camp as she looked around for Nick.

"Seriously?", Aviva groaned, hopping out of the bus and past a confused Kurt as he watched the two run back into the lions den, scratching his head before getting on the bus.

"Nick!", Angelina yelled, probably the worst thing to do when there's a killer on the loose, but she wasn't thinking clearly right now.


"Angelina!", a yell came from behind her, Angelina pausing as she registered her name...only it wasn't Nick.

Turning around Angelina's eyes widened when she registered Aviva standing in front of her, panting from having chased after her.

"What are you doing here?", Angelina walked towards her friend shocked. "You should be on the bus", Angelina gestured her head over to the bus that began to start.

"I wasn't just gonna leave you to fend for yourself, what kind of friend would that make me?", Aviva laughed at her own joke.


"Kurt! Aviva! Will! Anybody!", the screams of Ziggy Berman yelled as she tried to chase after the bus as it left camp, turning the corner and stumbling upon Angelina and Aviva.

"Ziggy?", both Aviva and Angelina called to the girl at the same time, gaining her attention as she then ran over to them.

"Thank god! I- The killer it's Tommy!", Zoggy told them in a rush, spinning around as she did, looking everywhere to see if he'd followed her.

"Tommy?", Angelina questioned, thinking to the counselor Tommy, there was no way.

"As in Tho-"

"Yes! As in my sisters perfect virgin boyfriend Tommy", Ziggy cut them off agreeing.

"No fucking way", Angelina gasped, not believing that Tommy was able to be this killer, he just didn't seem to have it in him.

"Yes way!", Ziggy heaved. "It must be the witch, Sarah Fier, she's possessed him and sent him after us, killing Shadysiders", she grumbled.

"Come on, that's just some old tale to sca-"

"No it's real", Ziggy cut Aviva off with a huff, staring crazily at her. "Hes running around with an axe, he just hit Nick-"

"Nick?", Angelina piped up at the sound of his names. "He hit him?", she panicked, stepping closer to Ziggy. "Where? Where!"

"We were in the Science and Nature-"

Ziggy stopped talked as Angelina began to rush in the direction of the Sciene and Nature cabin once more, her mind on autopilot as went to go there.

"What are you doing?", Aviva called to her, going to chase after her friend.

"I'm going to help him, i'm not just going to leave him to die", she argued, taking a stab at Ziggy for abandoning Nick when he was hurt.

"The killer is still there", Aviva looked at her like she was crazy, which maybe she was.

"I know, that's why you go with Ziggy", Angelina told her seriously.

"What! No", Aviva denied.

"Yes, i'll go find Nick, i'll be alright", Angelina said, stopping mid walk as she gave Aviva a hug, just incase. "I'll come back to the Mess Hall when I do, the both of you go there", she told them, getting a nod from Ziggy but not Aviva.

"What about Tommy?", Aviva asked meekly, not liking the idea of leaving her friend alone.

"Tommy should fear me, not the other way around", Angelina said confidently, some new bravery set in her bones as she continued walking.

Maybe she was crazy, and maybe it was a good thing, they needed a little crazy right about now, because nothing would come between the things that Angelina loved, not Ziggy Berman and not Sarah Fier.

End of Beginnings | FEAR STREET 1994/1987  (Simon Kalivoda / Nick Goode)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя