Chapter 2

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The next day Hermione, Meave and Pansy met close by the shrieking shack. It was the fifth year's weekend to go to Hogsmeade, but they had sneaked Meave with them. With a little help of Harry's invisibility cloak. He had said that Hermione could always use it when she wanted. He didn't mean sneaking first years out of the castle, but he never said she couldn't. 'Why are we here?' Pansy asked, annoyed. She had better things to do than hang out with a first year and a by her called mudblood. 'We're here because of Annalise. We can't just let her mother get away with this. We need to punish her.' Meave said narrowly, which came as a bit of a shock for Hermione. Pansy looked like she enjoyed it,but like she was a little concerned with the first year. 'Okay, as much as I like your attitude. Slow down.' Meave wasn't planning on slowing down, but kept her mouth shut. 'We want revenge for Anna. Are you in?' Hermione continued. Pansy doubted for a second, but then a smirk appeared on her face. 'I'm in.'

They tried to come up with a plan. Only they had too little time. They couldn't risk anyone seeing them, they would question what they were doing together. A Gryffindor, A Slytherin and A first year. So they decided to meet in secret. Their first meeting was planned next Friday in the room of requirement, where no one would come in. At least they hoped so. Until then they decided to all come up with ideas, but that wasn't that easy. How do you find and maybe even kill a murder? Meave didn't know, she hoped Pansy or Hermione did. The only thing she needed was revenge. Then she could move on. Move on , but never forget.

'You're Meave Abbott right?' A kind looking boy approached her. He had brown hair and light blue eyes, which made her think of Annalise. 'Yes I am, who are you?' She asked, she had no clue who this boy was. The only thing she knew about him was that he was in Hufflepuff. His yellow and black uniform reminded her of a bee. And that he was cute, Meave had never found a boy cute before. 'I'm Cyrus. Cyrus Heartfull.' He put his hand out so Meave could shake it. She did. 'Nice to meet you.' She said shyly, she wasn't that great at meeting people. 'You aren't a first year are you?' Meave added. She hadn't seen him at the ceremony. 'No I'm a second year. But what's the difference?' 'One year I guess.' She laughed and Cyrus joined her. He seemed like a kind boy, but why did he came to her? She wasn't sure. 'Do you want to be friends?' He then asked, answering her unasked question. 'Yes. I want to be friends.' She didn't really have friends except for Annalise, but with her gone now she was all alone. Well not all alone. A kind Ravenclaw girl talked to her, checked if she was okay. They talked about Annalise even though the girl didn't knew her. She was kind of a therapist to Meave. 'Awesome.' Cyrus smiled, he seemed to really want to be friends with this girl. Why? Meave had no idea, but she didn't decline a new friend. 'I have to go now, but see you around.' He says before waking away. Meave gave him a quick smile and made her way to her next class.

Professor Umbridge was teaching. Well teaching? She demanded the first years to copy from the textbook, like four times. Meave was tired and her hand hurt. She also didn't see why this was needed. What does she learn from this? She laid her quill on her desk and took a break. That was a mistake. 'Miss Abbott, why did you stop writing? You're going to fall behind. This is very important for your education.' The sharp voice of Professor Umbridge sounded through the classroom. 'I uhm. I don't really get why this is so important...' she mumbled hoping that Umbridge wouldn't hear it. But she did. 'Not important? So it's not important you learn how you can defend yourself?' Umbridge started to get pissed. She also had Harry that day, saying that this isn't important. 'But if I don't know how to use it, how do I defend myself then?' Meave wanted to be brave, but she wasn't sure she could. 'There is nothing you need to be defended from Miss Abbott.' Meave rolled her eyes, she didn't know why, but she did. Umbridge took notice of it and got more pissed. Her head went bright red like she was about to explode. It was clear she didn't like children. 'Detention tonight. My office.' She almost yelled. 'But..' Meave tried, but she got cut off by Umbridge. 'And 50 points from Ravenclaw for unacceptable behavior.' Great Meave thought. Now the whole house is mad at her, great.

That night she made her way towards Umbridge's office. She never had detention before, but she talked with Annalise about this. She could do this. She hesitated for a second, but then knocked on the dark brown door. 'Come in.' The irritating voice of Professor Umbridge called. Slowly she entered the office. It was a small office. The walls were pink and everywhere she looked she saw paintings with cats in them. They're moving, like every other painting in the school. 'Miss Abbott. Sit down.' Umbridge pointed at a brown chair that stood on the other side from where she sat. Meave did as she was told to. Not wanting more punishment. She stayed quiet, that was the smartest option. 'I want you to write some lines for me.' She handed Meave a pink quill and Meave immediately looked confused. 'Professor, you didn't gave me ink to write with.' How could she write without ink? 'This one works without ink. Write down. "I am just a little girl. I don't know anything." After all that's the truth.' Meave had to resist to punch this lady. She hated it when people called her a little girl, she was so much more. 'How many times?' Why couldn't Umbridge explain all she needed to do at once? 'Let's just say enough times for the message to come in.' She couldn't be any more vague. Meave started writing and it was true. The quill didn't need any ink, instead it used a weird red liquid. Then she felt a weird pain in her arm. It took Meave a second to realize what it was. She was writing with her own blood. In horror she looked at the woman who did this to her. And she was smiling. All Meave could bring out was 'why?' The woman dressed in pink bent over and looked the girl in the eyes. 'Because deep down you know you deserve it.'

The pain didn't go away and Meave was almost sure it would become a scar. The words written on her arm. 'I am just a little girl. I don't know anything.' She wished they would go away, vanish from her arm. But they didn't.

Harry still believed Annalise was alive. Every night he would wait for her to come, but she never did. He sat down at their tree and looked at the 2 stars. One that used to be lonely, but now got the presents of the other. Which first appeared on the day Annalise was killed. He then closed his eyes for a second, wishing he would see Annalise when he opened them. He hesitated, he knew she wouldn't be there, but still he hoped. Slowly he opened his eyes, and there she was. Smiling at him, her blue eyes twinkling in the starlight. Harry immediately got up and rushed towards her, but when he wanted to embrace her she vanished. She was gone as quick as she came, and Harry was alone again. 'Come back.' He whispered, but no one answered. It was quiet too quiet. Harry looked back at the tree, where you could still faintly see where Annalise had sat. Harry thought about how he helped her get up for her to never sit down there again. He thought about the plans they had made. The house in the forest. Annalise being a writer. Watching the sun go down together. It had all been taken from him, one spell. It was all erased by one spell. That's when he got furious for the very first time. Now he understood how Meave felt, and he instantly regretted turning her down. As fast as he could he ran back towards the castle. Looking for the first year. That night he finally after weeks acknowledged Annalise's death. Now it was time for revenge.

Mission of love: Revenge of FireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon