She giggles. "It's not the right season for that, sweetie."

I flush. "I'm sorry, I don't know a ton about the fine art of growing," I say sarcastically.

Jisoo laughs in front of us. "Don't worry; you live here long enough, you pick up some things."

"But it'll spoil you for the shit weed they grow anywhere else," Rosie calls back.

That has me laughing. "Hopefully I won't be here long enough to develop an educated palate."

"You gonna blow town as soon as possible?" Ro asks, shifting in her seat so she can look at us. 

Her easy smile is all on me, and I can see Jennie tense next to me, her eyes flicking between the two of us.

"Aren't you?"

"Hell yeah. Maybe we can team up."

Is she flirting with me? Her smile certainly says so.

"Team Get the Fuck Out?" I suggest.

"I like it."

"I'll join," Irene adds.

"Oh please, it's not the same. You're gonna get a legacy slot at Princeton like your sister and your dad," Rosie scoffs. "Lis and I ... we've got to fight our way out of shitholes like this." She wiggles her eyebrows at me. "Isn't that right?"

"It is harder without a silver spoon," I say.

"Ooh, damn," Ro crows as Irene lets out a little, laughing, "Hey!"

"Sorry," I say. "Just the truth."

"No, you're right," Irene says. "I am really lucky. My dad kind of tries to drill it into my head. He doesn't want me to be spoiled."

"You're not spoiled, babe," Jennie reassures her, reaching out and looping her arms around Irene's neck, hugging her close.

"You totally are," Irene says back, and Jennie gasps, pulling back as Jisoo cackles with laughter.

"My mom is stricter than yours!" Jennie protests.

"Yeah, but you've got your stepdad and your dad eating out of the palm of your hand," Irene says.

"Seriously, it's so unfair, you get to be a double daddy's girl," Jisoo adds.

"Yes, it's so great that my parents fell out of love and destroyed my family as I knew it," Jennie says. "I love being abandoned."

The way she says it ... it comes out a lot more harsh than sarcastic. Rosie and Jisoo exchange a look, staring straight ahead as they fall silent, unable to deal with the sore spot they accidentally prodded.

"At least you've got Suzy," I say.

"Yeah." Jennie nods jerkily. "I love Suzy."

"She really is the cutest," I say, trying to smooth out the moment, but Jennie's eyes are still dark, like she's remembering things she doesn't want to. "Is she gonna dance like you?"

"Of course," Jennie says. "She's been in dance since she was three. Just like me."

"Oh my gosh, Suzy does this little tap routine—it's so cute," Rosie gushes, latching on to the subject change like a pro.

Relief floods me as the conversation moves on, and Jennie relaxes, bit by bit. By the time we finally get on the driveway, which has a lone Solo cup turned upside down on the mailbox, she's laughing and running her mouth again.

"This is it," Rosie says as Kai turns onto the gravel road. The van rocks back and forth on the rough road that's more dirt than gravel in places. "Remember what I said about being cool," she warns us as lights grow visible through the trees.

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