Chapter 8

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"One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand, eight thousand, nine thousand!" They cheered as Bill slammed down his glass and grinned, showing the silver jump wings firmly lodged between his teeth. "Hi-ho, Silver." He mocked as he took the wings out of his mouth. Jess smiled as she watched from where she sat with Bull. "You wanna try J?" Guarnere asked with a smirk on his face. Jess shook her head. "Thanks, but I don't drink."

"Really?!" Bull sounded amused. "No wonder you found Winters a perfect match." Jess punched him gently in the shoulder at that remark. She knew it was an incredulous point between the men that her husband didn't smoke or drink. She heard the rumours that he was a Quaker. Truth be told, Jess didn't drink simply because she didn't enjoy the taste. "Sure Bull. If two people choose not to drink they should always end up together," she commented sarcastically causing the men around her to laugh.

"Ten-hut!" a voice called out and the men instantly snapped to attention, Jess following suit. Colonel Sink walked up onto the stage in front of them and smiled. "Well at ease, paratroopers." As she turned to face the front Jess could see the pride in the old man's eyes. He started to address them on the duties of the airborne and told them that he was expecting them to be the best. The men cheered at that and Sink left them to their evening.

"Hey J. Fancy a game?" Jess turned to Luz who was holding out a pack of cards and smoking a cigarette. She smiled but regretfully informed him that she had to head back to the barracks. "The medics have training early tomorrow morning," Jess explained over Luz's protests. "I'll see you later." Luz grinned playfully and patted her arm. "Can't get rid of me J," he joked. Jess laughed and slipped out of the bar.

The night was warm and still. Jess breathed in deeply as she slowly trudged towards her bed. 'I'm a paratrooper now,' she thought gleefully to herself. She never imagined when America declared war that she would be in this position and yet here she was. Jess became slightly teary eyed as she thought of her family. Her parents, grandparents, brother, sister, aunts, uncles and cousins scattered throughout Europe. Some moved due to war, others for love. No one knew the whole truth about her relatives. No one knew just how diverse the blood in her veins really was. No one, except Dick. Jess held this knowledge close to her heart but she was also practical. Some members of her family may well be fighting on the other side of the war; killing for what they believed was an honest country. Jess wasn't stupid. She knew that whilst Germany was doing unspeakable things, they weren't the only country at fault. Hell, even America wasn't perfect.

Jess became so lost in thought that she almost didn't notice the two figures standing on the path, talking quietly to each other. "Hey Jez," Nixon's voice greeted her as she drew closer. She looked up from her feet and smiled to see he was standing next to Dick. "Hey Nix. I thought you'd still be at the bar celebrating our inauguration." Nix laughed and gave her a hug commenting, "nah, Mr no vices wanted to talk." He let go and Jess turned towards Dick. He had an unreadable face but Jess could've sworn there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. She tilted her head and stepped closer towards him. "You ok?" her voice was filled with worry and kindness. Dick nodded and took a small step back. "I'm going to bed," he stated. "You two shouldn't stay up too late. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

With that Dick turned and walked away towards the officer's barracks. Jess and Nix watched him go and then turned back to each other. "Something seems off," commented Lew and Jess nodded in agreement. Sighing, Nix bid Jess goodnight and promised to meet up with her at Camp Mackall when they arrived. Jess walked into her barrack and slumped onto her bed. The frame creaked as she rolled to her side and gazed at the picture on her bedside table. Her mother and father smiled up at her from the silver frame along with herself outside of their new house. It was one the fondest and last memories she had of the two of them. Not long after that picture was taken, they had both perished. Jess wiped the tears threatening to spill from her eyes, changed and promptly fell asleep. When she awoke, Easy was heading out to Camp Mackall for more field training.

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