I looked to my right, searching for anything I could use to defend myself, to threaten them by. I skipped over anything not important, gloves, bandages, masks, whatever. Then my eyes landed on a scalpel, small but sharp, the one used in surgeries. It's too small to use against them, they could easily knock it out of my hands. Unless...

I didn't give myself a chance to rethink it, snatching the scalpel off of the side table and rolling off of bed, moving behind Davis before he could even look up to see what happened and slid my arm around his neck, slamming him to me, pointing the edge of the sharp object right at the crook of his neck.


"Shut. Up," I gritted out in a low voice, tightening my hold on him, the two men's attention shifted to us as I whispered, "move, and you'll find yourself in awfully terrible pain, got it?"

I know he has healing powers, I know an injury would heal on instant, but not if I aimed to kill. He's already exhausted, he looks pail and drained that I easily had a tight grip on him without needing to put up a fight, his powers won't work on its fullest. And even if it did, it won't save him if his heart stopped.

"What are you doing?" One of the men slowly asked, "put him down."

"Where is Kai?" I cut to the chase, "did you hurt him? I told you if you hurt him, I'll kill you—"

"You can't do that—"

"Oh yeah?" I tensed my muscles more, seeing how my knuckles turned white around the scalpel as I slashed his skin, the front of his neck, hearing him hiss and try to back away but couldn't, it'll heal, but at least they know I'm not bluffing now, "you certainly don't know that I'm anything but a liar then."

I saw their eyes slightly widen when I slashed Davis's neck, eyeing each other for a second before the one I stabbed earlier spoke, "calm down, you won't gain anything by harming him. Kishimoto is fine—"

"I'll believe it when I see it," I shot back, my breathing hardening, "where did you take him?"

"He's simply in another room," the other one answered, "he'll stay—"

"Stay? Why isn't he coming back? We told you we want to be together. Put him with me and we won't give you a hard time—"

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that anymore," one of them took a step forward, and I pressed the sharp object to Davis's skin harder, making him halt his movements, slightly raise his hands, "you saw how it ended when we gave you the option to always have an eye on each other. Trust me, you'll be the one facing the consequences, not us."

"It ended that way because you stabbed me—"

"Because your father threatened us with someone who's ours."

Amelia. I tried to ignore that for now, but I couldn't. I keep getting reminded of it. Amelia. Amelia. Amelia. I trusted her. I thought we were friends. She called me her best friend. I've never had that with anyone before, well anyone who's not Kai. But she was different thank Kai. She was my first friend that I gained. The first person I trusted outside of my family.

My only girl friend was my cousin, sounds pathetic, but I accepted it. I lived my whole life with no real friends until she came by. I never even thought she could be against me, never thought she could be a liar. I hate liars. She knows where my house is, she spent time with me in my boyfriend's house, in his living room, eating and drinking from his food. She knows we were at the base, she knows everything.

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