I can't believe i am saying this

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I can't believe I'm saying this..
I feel like I need to quit my books and just focus on one thing to get things right.

First of all, I want to improve my writing style.
I feel like I am writing like a 10-year old writing fan fictions on YouTube. I really need to change that.

Even when I read my books myself, I find the plot twist and the character development is.. sorta messed up, I guess? Anyway, I am thinking of starting a habit to improve my writing skills.

I kinda need a goal in my life. It's about time I get serious for once in my life. So, I am basically thinking through so many options. And to decide one of them, I need to do one activity like maybe, music, for one month.

While doing this activity, I will note down what I've achieved, how I felt while doing the activity and all the questions I need to ask myself in a dairy.
In that way, I can at least know what I TRULY enjoy.

Second, I need to stop procrastinating!
I don't even wake up early in the morning. I wake up, sit in the bed for fifteen minutes before actually waking up and getting out of the bed. That is time consuming.

So, as I you have seen that I've quit my previous books too, I hope you understand that it's for genuine personal reasons.

Thank you for reading my books and staying here with me all this long. I wasn't even much active.

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