My school is... maadarchok

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So technically, I'm still sick.

Now only, my family has started to realise I'm serious.
Yesterday I went to the doctor. And, guess what?
I got three sickness at the same time all because of the climate changes!!!

Lemme explain.
Due to climate changes, I got cough and cold. The day I got cough and cold, was the first day and i myself didn't know I was unwell. That day I had to go to  school for a program. I was in choir and we had to sing three songs!
And before starting a song, we have to simply stand on the stage for 15 minutes.
We immediately got tired, so after the program, they gave us something to eat.

Just.... One small samosa. It's Indian dish.

Other students who weren't a part of choir, got one whole box of cake, three samosas, one orange juice and potato chips.....


And I had samosa. What I don't know was, when I almost finished I realised that they added muttar as fillings. You know, it's green peas. And I was allergic to peas.

And I knew it. I will be allergic for two weeks.
And then, next day, I got fever too.

Because of these, I got Allergic Rhinitis,  Acute Exacerbation and Step3 Bronchial Asthma.

And all these times, my parents thought I was faking my sickness so I cannot go to school.


Enough bro... enough of my life..........

I must escape this place ...

I MUST ESCAPE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Anyways, you guys read this? I don't know how you managed to read till here. If you did, I'm happy I have someone like you! ✨🫰 yeomawhamnida


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