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He was running.

Running faster than he ever thought he could. Trying to escape the hell. But where he was running was unsure. There was only one place he could thought of but didnt know if that would be a good idea. More tears had been streaming down his bloody checks when he realized that there where no other placed he could hold to, so he run to that direction.

He was out of breath. Rethinking his decision hundred times. He felt like passing out but still had meters to go.

The older got woken up by a really loud banging on his door.

„its 2 am what the hell!" He was to tired and annoyed to be pulling out of his perfekt dreamland.

„Im coming Im coming!" he announced as the banging didnt stop. When the older boy opened the door, he was in a complete shock.

„m-min?" before he could ask futher the said boy collapsed infront of him.

‚what the fuck is going on?'


Minho woke up feeling the pain on his head where he got hit a few hours ago.

„hey hey min take it easy" a soft voice rang in his ears.

Minho slowly sat up, making eye contact with the older but got shy quickly and looked away.

„I would ask if your okey but you clearly dont look like it. So I would rather ask what happened?" there was so much to explain but it was to much. tears started burning minhos eyes.

„m-my parents.." he nearly whispered but chan could clearly hear him.

„your parents did this?" the younger nodded which left the other boy in shock.

A blue eye. A cut on the check. A bloody nose and you could see blood on the boys hair that seems dry.

„I dont understand why would they do such a thing to thier son?" Chan was confused he didnt know what to think.

„t-theres so much you dont know. I will tell everything b-but..." minho was hesitant, didnt know how to explain.

„but?" Chan was waiting for the answer.

„I didnt think you would want me here i-its just the only place that came to my mind..." Minho lowered his head, being to shy to face the other, to scared by the answer of the older one.

„wha- no no no dont think that, my door is always open for you, its okey but i would recommend to clear your wounds first and then have a chat if you feel comfortable?" he asked softly to which minho only nodded.

Chan hold out his hand for minho to take but the boy was hesitant. the blush on his check betraying him. he slowly took his hand and followed him into the bath room.

„you can sit on the counter I'll go grab the medical box" He did as told and slowly sat next to the sink, waiting patiently.

Chan slowly cleaned the sounds on his face and put cream on his blue eye, he even asked if it was okey to wash the blood out of his hair.

„well done! everything clean now but tell me minho is there another place your hurt?" he slowly asked not to make the smaller boy more uncomfortable then he already is, when he saw that minho covered his belly he knew.

„look ba- I mean min we trusted each other before and you still can trust me. I wont judge you... I never did" minho nodded and started to pull his shit up.


thats what was stabbing chans heart right now.

A big black bruise on the side of his skinny body. It was nearly how painfully skinny he was.

„you dont have to cover your self its okey" he softly said and put the cream on the bruise to which minho hissed and grabbed chans shoulder.

„I know I know its ok-„ chan froze up when he made eye contact with the boy who was way to close to him. His eyes trailing minhos face. The pretty lashed his beautiful nose and the perfekt lips he would kill for to kiss again...

„sorry" minho mumbled after pulling away.

„all done. I'll give you a shit and a jogger, you can dress yourself and come downstairs, okey? Im gonna make your favorite tee so be quick." chan left the blushing boy alone in the bathroom.

„he remembers?" he giggled lightly.


chan turned around when someone cleared his throat. his eyes widen by the sight of the shy boy on the door way.

„y-your joggers are always too big.... can you give me shorts?" he asked while pulling down the big shirt that he was wearing. Chan only nod and run to grab him shorts.


„so are you ready to tell me what happened?" the older asked feeling the smaller one getting shy.

„m-my parents are really strict that why I never wanted you to meet them... every- everything got downhill when they found out that I'm gay a-and had a boyfriend..." chans eyes widened when he realized that he was meant as the ‚boyfriend'

„they told me to break up or they will make the persons life a living hell a-and I didnt want to rist anything, im sorry" he apologized looking down and feeling guilty. Chan shook his head and took minhos hands in his and signaled him to continue.

„every since then I wasnt allowed to do anything. Only going to college and come home again. t-they always punish me and say that the devil took over me because I'm gay... I had enough and run away" chan tried to take everything that the boy said, going deep into his thoughts which he got pulled of quickly.

„C-Channie please dont make me go back I-I really cant take it anymore! I know i did wrong back then by not telling you but I-„ his bagging came to a stop as chan pulled him into a tight hug.

„I would rather die then letting you go back. Minho we need to report this to the police station! your almost 20 you have the right to report them." Minho nodded while chan caressed his back.

„c-can we go and to that tomorrow?" he asked while looking up while his doe eyes which chan never could resist.

non of then realized that they where to close to each other, slowly leaning in. Chan nodded before thier lips connected. a soft kiss, nothing rushed. the untold love they still had for each other. Minho grabbed chans neck to deepen the kiss. Chan couldnt resist and pulled the small framed boys body onto his.

„w-wait wait wait this is to fast.." minho got shy quickly and felt small in the big arms of the older mens.

„I-Im so sorry I got carried away. I didnt want to make you uncomfortable." chan apologized quietly, seeing the other ones ears getting red quickly.

„its okey... I liked it, dont apologize." he said scratching his arm.

„god, I missed you so much" Chan said, quickly pulling minho into a hug.

„I missed you to Channie" he missed it so much. the touch. the comfort. the strong smell of him.

„minho..." he pulled aways from the hug, only to cup the youngers cheeks.

„now that you cant go back... Im offering you to live with me now!" he said excitedly.


A/N: damn this was longgggg
someone requested more minchan so there it is!!!
its not a mpreg but it was a good idea for my liking😙✌🏻

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