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About my Crush😗..

About my Crush😗

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A: can I answer this in number 1 please??

(In our assignment)

A: Bye mer good night love you thankyou for everything and sorry if i can't reply because i am really really tired

A: Byee see you tommorow


- AHHH she said "love you" to mee!!! -

(She likes me back actually even though she confessed first!)

> I fell first, She fell Harder <

- But my momma and dadda Homophobic Huhuhu!!! TwT -

My opinion about her:

> Childish
> Cute
> Sweet
> Beautiful
> Pretty
> Bossy
> Clingy
> Blushes easily
> Flirty
> Teases 24/7
> Loving
> Cutie patootie


My description about her:

- " A very Cute and Loving Person! She's so perfect and pretty and beautiful and actually just everything! She's very loving! She can get Flirty without her even noticing it! She flirts a lot with people but when people flirt with her she blushes a lot and would squeal Lol! ( A cute squeal:'> ).. She.. is.. CUTE!"



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