Chapter 10 menstruation

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**Kim Minji and Kang Yuna were clearly Chilling around the house sitting on the bed when Minji suddenly felt a kick on her stomach and her back started to hurt real bad as if someone kicked her at her tail bone**

**Yuna at first didn't notice and was focusing on the book she was reading, She moved and adjusted to glasses a bit**

- "hm.. Chapter 49.. Willows and the-"

**Minji groaned, Holding her stomach in pain**

- "aghh... hahh... A-"



**she rolled on the bed left to right, Right to left while panting real hard trying to catch her breath**

- "Just stop thiss!!!"

**Yuna closed her book and held Minji's arm**

- "Hey whats wrong?"

**She was now breathing heavily**

- "Menstruation... I hate being a girl because of this!!"


**She has now calmed down a bit and the Pain faded away the moment Yuna was there with her**

- "Just keep holding me please.. Your probably the only reason why the pain flew away.."


- "Alright... Also get ready, we are going to the shop later"


- "REALLY!? YE-"


- "OUCH!"

**She clutches once again as it came back, But not as worse as earlier**

- "Well.. I hope this doesn't continue till then.."

**Yuna held her cheek with her right hand**

- "don't worry.. I'll take care of you"


- "Do you have to do that?.."



- "Alright alright I'll stop.."


~Time Skip~

- 8:12AM > 11:38AM -

**they were starting to get ready to go out to the mall**

**Kang Yuna was in an all black outfit and she had the style of a mafia boss especially with that black coat behind her**

**She sighed softly**

- "Minji? You done?"

**While Kim Minji on the other hand, Had A blue dress on her with a white summer hat with Sunglasses**

**Yuna Looked at her with gazing eyes**

**Yuna's Thoughts**

- "Wow.. How can a girl be so beautiful.. And perfect."

**Minji shook her shoulder a bit**

- "Yuna?.. Hello?.. Knock.. knock..?-"

**She shook her head**

- "Oh... Right.. Lets get going then."

**She looked away**

**As they got inside the car, That pain kept bothering Minji**

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