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"I'm not giving up on him Jerome" Eliza said as she stood at her bedroom window, watching Ivan fighting and training with pack warriors in the pouring rain. Jerome thought it was best she stayed away from Ivan whilst he found his feet again, but Eliza didn't want to be away from him.
"I'm not saying give up on him, Luna" He said sternly, she knew what he meant, but it was basically the same thing. She had no right to walk away from him during a hard time only to return when life was easier, that's not love, staying together through thick and thin is love, not giving up on each other is love.

"Jerome-" Eliza whispered before she gasped, watching Ivan being thrown into a tree by one of the wolves, the impact made about crack that could be heard all through the house as well as the surrounding forest. Jerome rushed to the window to see what was happening but before he caught on Elizabeth was already running through the halls to get to the training grounds.

Running bare foot through the soaking wet grass, she threw herself in front of Ivan before the wolves could attack him anymore. What had gotten into them?
"Stand down!" She yelled, the wolves still stalking closer with a low growl. She knew she'd never be able to take on one wolf, let alone three but right now her mate was in danger.
"I said, STAND DOWN" She boomed, her voice bouncing off every tree, leaving a trail of echos to be heard for seconds after. The two wolves either side bowed their heads as the one in the middle stopped dead to look at her. Before she knew what was happening she was struck down by its claws, the pain flooded through her body as she clutched onto her arm. She tried to move to get back onto her feet but could only manage kneeling up.
She saw Jerome running from the pack house towards them when he suddenly came to a quick stop, his eyes wide as he looked behind Eliza, but before she could turn to see what he was looking at she heard the deepest, harshest growl she had ever heard, a large black wolf stood beside her, larger than she had ever seen before.
"Midnight?" She whispered, not sure if what she was seeing could be real or a hallucination from the blood loss. Its bright red eyes looked down at her, seeing the blood pouring down her arm, through her fingers and onto the ground.

Before anyone could process what was happening, the large wolf leapt onto the offending wolf, wrapping its jaw around the smaller wolf's throat before tearing it out. Eliza brought her hand up to her mouth, she couldn't believe it. Ivan looked back at her, seeing the blood everywhere, traces on her face from covering her mouth with her blood covered hand.  He quickly shifted back to his human form, standing before her naked, but she didn't seem to notice, her eyes were clearly struggling to stay open as she fought her hardest to not lose consciousness. He reached her just in time as she collapsed into his arms, no longer able to fight.

Everyone around them was in shock, no one could believe what they had just seen. The day Ivan got turned everyone was sure as hell he had lost his wolf, there had never been even a whisper about a hybrid and every other wolf who was turned either died before transitioning or lost their wolf. Maybe it was because he was an Alpha? After all, he was the first ever Alpha to be taken by a vampire.

He picked up his lifeless mate in his arms, bridal style as he carried her back to the pack house. Even Ivan himself was question what just happened, but the overwhelming smell of Eliza's blood kept distracting him, a part of him wanted it so badly, wanted to have it all, another part of him on the other hand couldn't ever imagine drinking from her, the thought of it turned his stomach.

The pack doctor who dealt with Eliza during the early stage of her pregnancy was no longer a working member of the pack, since her grandchild had been born she retired, but right now she was the only one Ivan trusted to treat his mate. He laid Eliza down on the bed in the hospital wing as gently as possible before grabbing a sheet from beside him to wrap around his waist, covering his exposed body. The phone on the wall caught his attention and he quickly reached for it, not remembering where his was in that moment.

"Hello?" A sweet voice sang through the other end.
"Melinda, I need you here, it's the Luna" Ivan said sternly, he eyes never moving away from his mates fragile frame. Within a few minutes the pack doctor was there, she burst through the door, not ready for what she was about to walk into.
"What the hell happened?" She whispered yelled as she began checking Eliza's heart beat and wounds.
"One of the wolves challenged me, he didn't think a blood sucker could be his Alpha" He gritted out. Melinda stood back for a second before reaching beside her, grabbing a surgical blade from the draw before grabbing Ivan's wrist, pulling him closer.
"Don't move" She mumbled as she sliced a small line down his hand before moving it to Eliza's lips.

The blood flowed for a few seconds before the wound closed itself up, even Ivan was shocked, learning about these new gifts and powers was all new to him and he wasn't sure if he was properly processing it yet.
"Vampire blood heals wounds" Melinda said as they both stood watching Eliza's body begin to repair itself, one by one, each slash was closing up.
"Ivan, do you know how you was turned?" She asked looking up at him with crossed arms.
"I don't remember much of that time" He said annoyed, he didn't like talking about it.
"You died with vampire blood in your system, now-" She said turning to look at Eliza "If she anything happens to her in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours, she will meet the same fate". Ivan's chest grew tight at the words.

Part of him liked the idea of Eliza staying with him forever, young and strong, but another part of him loved her being human, he always had loved that, she was his little human.

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