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Minutes felt like hours as they both stood with only the threshold between them. Eliza wanted to believe this man before her is the man she loved with her whole heart, the man she was due to marry, the man who fathered her child but right now she couldn't shake the cold feeling he was giving her.
"I can't come in unless you invite me" Ivan said looking down at her, the sound of her blood rushing through her veins driving him crazy, the more her heart sped up the worse the urge to rip out her jugular got but no matter how much this had changed him, a part of him never wanted to see her hurt and he was certain he would never be the one to cause her harm.
"Eliza" Jones said softly as he stood beside her placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay" His calm demeanour helped settle Elizabeth's nerves, if Jones still trusted him then she should too.

"Ivan-" She said with a shaky breath, closing her eyes trying to compose herself. She looked up at him with a numb heart weighing heavy in her chest. "Would you like to come in?" She asked, this time her voice as steady as a professional tightrope walker. Ivan looked into her ocean blue eyes, his chest grew tight for a second, watching her in awe as she composed herself so perfectly like a true Luna. He took one step in, standing over the threshold before slowly reaching his hand up to her soft cheek, the clammy feeling indicated she had been crying for quite some time. He leaned down slowly, softly kissing her, her body instantly relaxing from its tense state, a single tear fell from her eye, hitting his thumb that gently rested on her cheek. He pulled away resting his forehead on hers, closing his eyes for a second, letting the feeling of home consume him.

"I have missed you so fucking much, Elizabeth" He said in a whisper, the small human girl wasted no time, she wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her in tightly, the thought that he may not have been welcome home scared him, he tried to act like it didn't bother him, like it wouldn't matter, but no matter how much he acted like he no longer cared, the thought alone killed him.
"I've missed you too" She sobbed into his chest. 

Elizabeth and the other Lunas headed to pick up both Tilly and Esme, now they knew Ivan was still partially himself, they could trust he wouldn't hurt his daughter. Eliza didn't want to leave him, now she had him back she was scared to let him go again, scared something might go wrong, but the men wanted to talk and discuss the situation at hand, seeing possible outcomes for all their futures now Ivan belonged to a different species.

"What I don't understand is why they would turn him and then let him go?" Olivia asked as Eliza drove as fast as she could to return to her daughter.
"Olivia!" Lila hissed back at her from the front seat.
"She's right" Eliza mumbled. "What's their end game?" She asked as she bit her lip, the thought of Ivan being a pawn in some demented game made her stomach turn, but there was nothing she could do about it now.
"Revenge?" Lila asked. Eliza shook her head.
"A warning?" Olivia asked, no one knew and no one could be certain of what was to come next.
"I might be over thinking this-" Eliza said as both girls turned to look at her. "But every wolf I've ever spoke to about vampires all said the same thing, they want to wipe you all out, rid the world of wolfs, is this their attempt?". The thought sat with them all for a while as Eliza parked the car, turning the engine off. "I think we just need to be ready" She said looking at the pack house in front of her before getting out the car, leaving the two girls alone.

Tilly and Esme were ready to go, all bags packed, Eliza looked down at her daughter who was fast asleep in her car seat. "Let's go see Daddy" Eliza hummed softly as they loaded up the car.

Ivan was impatiently waiting outside, he just wanted his daughter and mate in his arms, everyone seemed to calm down when Ivan explained the events of their journey and the time of his capture, no one could understand why he was set free, the only person who's guess was close was Eliza's, but he didn't know that yet.
He watched as their car pulled up, he rushed to Eliza's door letting her out, she gave him a soft smile before placing her hand on his chest.
"If it gets too much, pass her back" She whispered, hoping no one could hear her. He simply nodded but knew holding Tilly wouldn't be an issue, she was a wolf unlike her mother who was human, learning to control himself around her would be the hardest.
Ivan picked up his stirring daughter as tears began to brim his eyes, the whole time he was stuck with his captures he dreamt of the day he would see his little girl again, to hold her. He couldn't handle the thought of not seeing her grow up, take her first steps, speak her first words, waving her off at her first day of school, helping her the first day she shifted, the thought of missing it all shattered his heart but he was here, he came back to her but it all still felt too good to be true.
"I missed you my princess" He whispered as he kissed her head, moving to hold her upright, close to him, her little chin resting on his shoulder as her tiny hands laid on his arms. "Daddy's home baby" He said fighting back the tears as he looked over to Eliza who already had tears streaming silently as she held her hand over her mouth, trying to silence her cries. "Daddy's Home".


Hope you all enjoy the book!
Thank you so much for all the support you have shown through the first book and now I hope number 2 is just as good, if not better!

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