《Chapter 5《part 2》》

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"The universe is exactly the size that your soul can encompass. Some people live in extremely small worlds, and some live in a world of infinitive possibility . . ."


Stepping out of the car, a fresh but frosting biting cold breeze met my face. I took a deep breath, letting it wash over me as I pulled my jacket tighter.

Standing on the sidewalk with the streetlights illuminating a soft glow and the colourful neon signs flashing.

The little prince stood next to me, wearing a new outfit. This time, he chose an all-black attire with silver accessories that made his features stand out more, even if only Miuka and I could see it.

On the other hand, I had chosen a more casual outfit that easily fit any occasion, maybe except for funerals. The little prince and I looked like a weird mix-match if anyone could see us.

A weird thought popped into my mind, the actualisation that no matter where the little prince went, he would always dress for the occasion, even if only I could see him.

Besides that, I had to ask him soon where he got those clothes from. I made a mental note of that, knowing there was still a lot about the ghost world that I had yet come to understand.

Honestly, if I were in his shoes, I would wear my most comfortable clothes as long as possible. I chuckled at my inner monologue. The little prince glanced sideways at me, raising a playful eyebrow.

I shook my head, looking around to make sure no one noticed me as I gave my hand to the little prince, who intertwined our fingers, and even his hands felt warmer than this weather.

"Let's go in, lovebirds," Miuka shouted, looking over her shoulder at us, raising a mischievous eyebrow as I stuck my tongue out.

She raised her hands to make a little bowing move as she gestured to the entrance where a few bodyguards stood, all in business-like suits and looking extremely intimidating.

"We're still on the earlier side; shouldn't we wait?" Miuka laughed, throwing a hand over my shoulder as the little prince pulled me closer to him.

"Maybe we can spot THEO? And besides the point, we've got VIP tickets. They got to let us in earlier anyways." The little prince rolled his eyes as I giggled softly.

"If you say so, Miuka, lead the way," I said as Miuka took the headstart. I pulled my hand, still intertwined with the little prince's, into my pocket, happy I chose a jacket with giant pockets so no one would raise eyebrows.

Trailing behind Miuka like a lost puppy, I watched her give the tickets to the bodyguards, and out of nowhere, I felt an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach when the guards glanced at each other, their eyes seemingly darkening under the warm flashing lights.

I watched them mutter into their earpiece softly to make sure we wouldn't catch a word, their eyes sharp and calculated, looking Miuka and me up and down.

Miuka turned to me, her smile strained, panic settling in her eyes as I shrugged my shoulder.

The little prince squeezed my hand.

"These tickets aren't under your name," the bodyguard's voice was heavy, and his expression was thunderous.

I heard my heart pounding in my ears, and looking at the little prince, it almost seemed like he paled under the flickering lights of the venue, and I didn't even dare glance at Miuka.

"Getting tickets-" A slender man dressed all black with a face mask covering him tapped the bodyguard on the shoulder, cutting the man off as he glanced at the tickets and back to us.

《Beneath the surface - ZhanYi version》Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant