《Chapter 4《Part 1》》

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"From time to time, trace the scars life has left you. It will remind you that at one point, you fought for something. You believed."


The news anchor looked at her paper before she focused her attention on the camera, a practised smile gracing her face as she spoke up in a steady voice, "Just a few days ago, a handful of people from a small town were charged with a homicide case of decades ago that unlawfully covered up by police-officers and had gotten closed without proper investigation. Investigators have now re-opened the case again, looking into it..." I zoned the news anchor out as I watched the screen intently.

They flashed pictures and a video of those involved in the fire getting escorted out of their big million-dollar companies in handcuffs, face down as the camera flashed, people shouting at them.

I couldn't help the sadistic smile that made its way onto my face, knowing that no matter how long it'd take, justice would prevail in the end.

"The victims have suffered through years of pain as the story finally surfaces with the truth getting dug up; the only two survivors of this fire-homicide were the grandmother of the family and a young boy, the son. Official documents state that the grandmother passed at the peaceful age of 79 years old. The only living descendant of the family wants to stay private..."

My eyes followed the screen as the words carried to my ears; they flashed several pictures of the grandmother, her face turned into a soft smile. She looked graceful and alive, unlike the ghost that had remained of her. Following those pictures came the ones of Ice's parents, and I saw the resemblance Ice held to his mother.

Staring at the photos made my heart ache, knowing their life had been cut short.

My ears peeked up at the soft clicking and ticking of a pen to wood that stopped resounding through the room as I knew Zhouxuan was listening before she picked it up again, continuing her work.

I shook my head; the case, as far as the work the little prince and I had to do, was finished.

I turned off the television with a mechanical smile, turning to the back of Zhouxuan Jie, away from the television.

She continued diligently writing, not noticing or deciding to ignore me.

I pulled my legs up, placing my head on my knees as I stared at her, sighing.

"The little prince has barely left ten minutes ago, and you're sighing like you'll never see him again, Yibo." I rolled my eyes, huffing out a laugh.

"I just want to know why my dad called only him over and not me as well; we're a team, remember?" Zhouxuan Jie kept up her quick pace, "Your dad wasn't happy when he found out you decided to book a train ticket to god knew where. Especially when he realised the casefiles get messed with." I fiddled with my fingers, nodding.

"I know he's worried, but I am a legal adult, and I can manage myself, so if he wanted to scold anyone, he should scold me, not the little prince."

At this, Zhouxuan Jie's pen faltered before she picked up again, shaking her head, "I know, Yibo, but you also have to understand that the little prince is like a guide to you in your father's eyes, so he is responsible for getting you back out alive."

I hummed non-committedly, turning to face the window.

"Jie?" She didn't respond.

"Has there ever been a human who's fallen in love with a ghost?"

I pondered out loud as Zhouxuan's hand faltered. The pen dropped to the ground, echoing throughout the quiet room.

She slowly turned to me, a smile gracing her face before she spoke up; "why the sudden question, Yibo?"

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