Chapter 1- The Tournament

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Aelynor is sitting comfortably in her and Rhaenyra's room, reading a book about the history of House Targaryen, as if she hasn't read this book for the millionth time. "Aegon the Conqueror.." the young princess reads aloud to herself, turning to the next page.

At that moment, the door swings open and Rhaenyra runs into the chamber, all beaming and happy beside herself.

"What happened?" Aelynor asked with a smile, placing the book on the table in front of her.

"Look!" Rhaenyra yelled, running up in her sister's arms. She tilted her head towards her so her new necklace could be seen. It was made of Valyrian Steel and had red gems in the center.

"Nice..." Aelynor said, running her fingers over the gemstones.

"I got it from Daemon!" Rhaenyra said, a grin forming on her face from ear to ear.

Aelynor's cheeks turned red when she heard her uncle's name. He was always so charismatic and handsome. Full of courage and danger, and she liked that about him.

Rhaenyra took her sister's hand and squeezed it tightly. She knew her sister was sad. "Don't worry...I'm sure he just lost a present for you." Nyra whispered.

"As always..." replied Aelynor, ruffling her loose silver curls.

Alynor and Rhaenyra were sitting under the weirdtree. Aelynor had a book in her hand and was quietly reading to her sister, who had her head resting on her lap.

"Did you read it?" Aelynor asked. She knew Rhaenyra wasn't crazy about books and didn't like sitting at home with a book. She preferred to fly through the air on her dragon.

Rhaenyra plays with a small dagger of dragonglass.

"Of course I read it" Rhaenyra replied annoyed.

Aelynor looked at her in disbelief and raised one eyebrow. "When Princess Nymeria arrived in Dorne, who did she take to husband?" Aelynor asked.

"Eeeh...a man," Rhae replied.

"What was his name?" Alicent asked, glancing at her sister,who clearly showed no interest in any lords or history.

"Lord Something..." said Rhaenyra, looking at Aelynor.

"If you answer with Lord Something, Septa Marlow will be furious." said Aelynor, breathing in an honorable whiff that crossed her face.

"She's funny when she's furious" Rhaenyra replied and smiled.

"You are always like this when you are worried." Aelynor said worriedly and closed the book. She could always tell something was wrong.

"Like what?" Rhaenyra asked, furrowing her brow.

"Disagreeable," Aelynor replied.

"You are worried our father is about to overshadow yo-us with a son." Aelynor whispered, stroking Nyra's hair.

"I only worry for our mother. I hope for our father that he gets a son. For as long as i can remember, it's all he wanted." Nyra said.

Aelynor paused and asked, "You want him to have a son?"

Rhaenyra looked at her and smiled. "I want to fly with you on dragon-back, see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake."

Aelynor just swirled the dolls. "I am being serious," she replied with a serious face.

"I never eat about cake" Nyra said with a joke.

"You aren't worried about our position?" Aelynor asked.

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