Forty-Four: The Stadium

Start from the beginning

"I'm okay," she said, her voice a little uneven. Carrie, who had only been released from detention hours before, glanced back at them with a determined expression, a look of reassurance for Iseult. Yet reassurance was hard to accept, especially when every Forgotten on the island lined the perimeter of the pitch, grasping automatic dart-guns. Even if she trusted some, others were far from sympathetic to the students and with the masks on, it was impossible to tell friend from foe.

"We'll fix this," Ethan muttered, slipping his hand around hers and squeezing it reassuringly.

"For how long?" she replied, with a sigh before shaking her head.

"Don't think about that. Maybe we can reach Elmhirst before..." Ethan replied in an effort to instil hope.

"Maybe," she nodded, though she knew it was a slim chance.

Every student had been summoned to the stadium, apart from the first years who were still transitioning into their altered forms in the hospital. Even all those who had tried to defend James before he had been killed, had been released from detention, to Iseult's relief. However, it just highlighted the importance Elmhirst was placing on this gathering. He wanted everybody to see his power, his control.

As if her thoughts had summoned him, Elmhirst stepped out on to the balcony high above the pitch, the cameras capturing his likeness and projecting it on to the giant screens about them. He strolled to the railing of the balcony, fixing his tie as he went, a wide, sated grin resting across his features.

He appraised the stadium briefly, his icy grey eyes absorbing the silent students where they stood waiting for the show to begin, though most of them had no idea of the show they were about to witness.

The tension was palpable across the audience and Iseult found she was even holding her breath, fearful that if she blinked, she would miss something, miss a moment to strike Elmhirst where it hurt.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, students and staff of Kingston Academy – I want to welcome you here today, a glorious day," Elmhirst beamed, his expression sickening, too happy, too excited. Elmhirst rarely showed such emotions, or at least such genuine emotions and it only heightened the apprehension.

"Look," Ethan whispered, his words a mere murmur. "Bennett's behind him".

Iseult let her eyes wander back to the balcony to find the rat-like being of Bennett skulking in Elmhirst's shadow. Despite the fact that Charlotte was the only logical cause of their summons to the arena, and that they had been mentally preparing for her return, his presence added to the numb sense of panic in Iseult's stomach.

It hurt too, that James should have been here. He should have had the chance to fight for her, to see her, to save her – to save them all. Their world had changed so much in mere days, their loss still raw. She still wondered how on earth she was going to explain to Charlotte what had happened to him, if they managed to rescue her. She wondered would Charlotte blame her and Ethan for encouraging him. Iseult knew Ethan blamed himself and she certainly blamed herself, though she never would have thought Elmhirst would have killed him. Iseult only hoped Charlotte could see what they were trying to do, could see that their intentions had been good.

"I must congratulate Mr Bennett firstly, for I sent him on a most difficult task, and yet he has managed to succeed where so many others would have failed," Elmhirst said, clapping hollowly into the microphone. Iseult noticed that not many of the students joined in, some too nervous, others desperate to show some defiance against the headmaster over his treatment of James.

"Over the past few months it was well known to you all that we have been searching for Miss Owens, our former head girl".

Iseult tightened her grip around Ethan's fingered in anticipation of the words she knew were to come, and perhaps as a silent pleading for Charlotte to still be alive.

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