~losing friends~

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{No one povs}

Its just a normal day... The day that this child always drawing in the class lesson none stop ofc. But cause of his bestfriend leave him with another person. Everything changes beside his personality... It change to shy,coward, gentle and kind person turn into a person who tries to hurt himself...

{The next day}

Mateo's P.O.V

i wake up this morning with not saying anything cause of that situation just happend yesterday... I keep thinking that i will not have friends anymore cause what just happend. Even tho having a crush on zoey for a "tiny crush" is over. This make me doesnt have emotion like everyone called "emotionless". What he does for me is everything! Why Cooper!? Why!? WHYY!? WHY YOU SHOULD LEAVE ME LIKE THAT!? I can feel someone calling my name in the middle of a food truck and then im back to reality i relize that i just thinking to much and just go to the other world like you know? Your own mind world. And who else is worried about me more then anything ofc its izzie.. " hey are you okay?? you make me worried cause you havent talk!" Izzie said to me . " sorry i guess" i said and than give an eye to the old lady that making burrito's that izzie just order. And yes her name is Ms Castillo. She then asked me " mateo do you want anything?" Ask her for my order "just a burrito pls" i said while make a fake smile. She the ask again "whats wrong dear? You look so pure like a person who dont have emotions!" Said her and the izzie said " yeah! Is it because of how Cooper leave you just be with logan?" Said izzie. This make me feeling angry but i can feel that izzie is worried about me. So i said "maybe..." With a sad look. A tear just come in my eyes and started to drop. Izzie come towards me and said "shushh it will be fine! You deserve better! One day you will find someone that really cares about you and never leave you" izzie said. I then hug her thigthly just to let it all out. And then Ms castillo comes to me and said "poor of you here come to me let it all out as you wanted" said her and i began run to ms castillo and hug her and then let all what i really wanted let it all out but forcing mysef to hold it.

Logan's P.O.V

Its been a while for me walking to school. Suddenly i saw mateo was crying beside while hugging Ms Castillo. I really want to know whats going on but. I finally realize why. Cause of what happend yesterday...this make me speechless for a while.. Until i found out how cute is mateo when he was crying!? I dont know how but why the hell am i blushing!? Ugh nevermind stop thinking about him dammit!! And then when i stop thinking about him. I proceed to countinue to walk to school.

HI GUYS! THIS IS REALLY MY FIRST STORY SO PLS NO HATE! I already put it or said it in the description of the book am i? If enjoyed thanks so much! And yes i ship mateo and zoey cause since i see in tiktok many people ship Mateo and Logan so yep i made that ship just for who ship. And for who dont ship then i allow you to stop reading thid book. I will update this if i can! Bye!!!
Words count: 603 words.

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