Chapter 3: Redrum

Start from the beginning

"The Sunken Citadel, my supplier is inside." Orm stated, a slight tone of displeasure lacing his voice.

"The pirate cove?" She asked, eyes going wide.

"You've heard of it?" Arthur questioned, steering the ship closer.

"Yeah, something like that," she whispered.

As they got closer, Cora staked out the exits. It was a large cove, and she could see fish flickering. In and out of the holes in the side. Before she could finish scoping the place out, an alarm started blaring.

The next few minutes were a blur. All three were dragged out by two large mutated hammerheads, and chained to a makeshift raft. They moved towards the gates, and as they opened Cora could hear the loud music of the town. As they passed, several onlookers stopped to stare at them, whispering.

Orm took notice to the amount shrinking in fear. At first he was amused. They must have remembered his short, glorious reign as king. But, he then noticed where their whispers and stares were directed. They were directed at Cora. He looked around in confusion, as she stared at the floor. One of the henchmen had removed her mask, clutching it tightly in its oversized hand. She avoided the gazes, but caught Orm's eye. She had a small hint of fear on her face, and he could see her jaw was tensed. As they neared the throne, he heard the cove slowly go silent.


The King's loud cry boomed and echoed around the cove, and Cora shrunk back from it. The King went to speak again, when he noticed her. He let out a ghastly roar, and stood off his throne, the women around him darting back from where he was.

"YOU!" He screeched, pointing a fin in her direction, "YOU DEMON!"

"Kingfish," she said, smugly, "Good to see you again."

Arthur and Orm looked in her direction, confused. She stood with her shoulders squared, and her head held high.

"You knuckleheads," Kingfish shouted at his henchmen, "You let that filth into my cove?"

He paced uneasily, "Someone put a hook in that girl!"

Cora inhaled sharply, and her face fell into one of anger, "What the fuck did you just say?"

Her voice shook, and the tide around them started to get choppier, the temperature dropping slightly. Her hands were balled into fists, and her knuckles were white. Her entire body trembled as she stepped forward on the raft. The King's face fell, as he realized what he said.

"P-Poor choice of words," he stuttered, "I...I meant—"

He never finished as Cora launched herself forward, the chains holding her pulling back as she reached the King. She was inches away from his face, and he gulped in fear.

"Those words," she snarled, "Those were the words Orvax said to me before he killed my entire fucking family."

He let out a small squeak.

"Care to tell me why you said the same exact thing?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I-I..." he started, before she cut him off.

"SPIT IT OUT YOU USELESS LUMP," she screamed, feeling heat rising in her body.

"I had them killed!" He spat, grabbing her by the neck, "You were a threat, I thought that if Atlantis waged war, they would kill you, but here you stand."

She let out a loud growl and kicked at him, "You piece of shit! The women? The children? You sacrificed them all for what? For me?"

He let out a howling laugh and motioned for them to reel her back. They pulled the chains, dragging her backwards and she fought against them, thrashing about. They forced her on her knees on the raft, and one of the sharks held her by her hair.

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