running off into the sunset (the end)

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y/n pov:

i ran. ran as far as i could and as fast as i could.

i ran and then remembered why i have a car (and why i quit the track team) so i awkwardly sped-walked to my house.

thankfully i'm a stupid ass bitch and i left my car keys in there anyway, so i drove to a town where i hoped my spanish tutor would never find me again.

should i have filed a police report? probably, but it's not that deep bro.

also it was really fucking easy to get out of there so was i TRULY kidnapped?? no.

but i digress, i drove away and changed schools, yada yada yada boring stuff.

what did i learn from this? don't trust owls mostly. which i mean. look at them. those bitches know something that i don't, and i don't like them.

blah blah blah the end, i didn't die.

a/n: is it obvious i gave up on this? i truly suck at writing so there's no point in me trying to make it better. it's a duolingo x reader bro i don't WANT to make it better😭😭 but anyhoo, it was fun writing this and despite how much i want to take this off of the internet, it's pointless to do so. bc idc that much.

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