When they learn that you broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend

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Inspired by a Youtube Shorts video. 

Also, I'm now finally including the Kirsch Family. 

"I know you love her/him, but it's over mate."- Charlie Walker, Richie Kirsch, and Ethan Laundry 

"It doesn't matter, put the phone away." - Jill Roberts and Beth. (Not single, but will not actually care unless you are close to them) 

"It's never easy to walk away."- Wayne Bailey and Nancy Loomis.

"Let her/him go."- Amber Freeman and Jamal Elliot.

"It'll be okay. It's gonna hurt for a bit of time."- Roman Bridger, Kieran Wilcox, and Piper Shaw.

"So bottoms up, let's forget tonight."- Mickey Altieri and Stu Macher. 

"You'll find another and you'll be just fine, let her/him go."- Billy Loomis and Quinn Bailey. 

Scream Ghostface Scenarios/How they would react...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt