The One Bed Trope

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For entertainment purposes, you're either friends, or you haven't had sex yet.

Billy Loomis- Obviously, he was mistaken for having brought you here to.... do it. He's guilty having doing it the past with traveling girls. He gives you a suggestive look.

"You worried I'll bite?" He'll teasingly ask before casually laying on the bed. 

Stu Macher- Will actually be one of his rare awkward moments. He must've forgotten to specify something, because he didn't actually plan to have sex with you, he wasn't going after social currency or anything.... this time.

"Uh...." He awkwardly glances at you. "It's whatever you want."

Mickey Altieri- He'll actually laugh once he realizes the situation, he'll laugh even more if you show an embarrassed reaction. Once he's gathered himself again, he just sets down the bag Mrs. Loomis packed for him, and chill.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody if you won't." He tells you with a wink.

Nancy Loomis- She's forty, so if you're a teen, than either the person at the front desk got your room number wrong, or they thought she was your mother. If you're an adult.... then, the same cliche applies to you. Either way, her reaction will a sigh as she puts a hand over her face. If she had some glasses to take off in disappointment, she definitely would.

"I swear, I'm gonna find that idiot, and...." She grips her fist a little too tight.

Roman Bridger- This, you both saw coming a mile away, especially if you're female. As you both see that there's only one bed, you both share the same reaction. This is sharing a look with each other before shaking your heads with a sigh. 

"Sorry... this is what happens when I sleep with one of my actors." Roman mutters, giving you an apologetic look. 

Charlie Walker- Oh boy.... the poor kid is embarrassed beyond belief even more so when he realizes that he's actually kinda down with the idea. He's barely able to keep his eye on you for more than two seconds. 

"U-Um.... We d-don't have to, b-but if you're... game, we can just start with.... I don't know, cuddling or something." He anxiously suggests, hoping you don't mind it.

Jill Roberts- Her real personality trait of not giving f&#! plays in again on this one as she doesn't stop, setting her bag down, stocking the fridge, etc. She might give you a few of those looks depending on your relationship.

"This is my side, and you're not allowed to touch or cuddle me without permission." She quickly states, glancing at you when she sees you haven't moved from your spot at the door. "Well? Don't just stand there, help me unpack then get in the bed."

Piper Shaw- Seeing one bed was annoying enough, but once she realized why exactly, she was even more embarrassed. She should've made it very clear she wasn't during a flirtatious interrogation tonight. 

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell them I wasn't gonna sleep with anyone this time." Piper explains, a little embarrassed. "You uh..... you don't mind, right?" 

Jamal Elliot- Honestly, given where he lived at, it was probably the only option available. He casually unpacks before stocking the fridge with beer. 

"Sorry if you're nervous, I couldn't get us two beds." He apologizes, before looking at you up and down. "But, if you're ever in the mood baby, just ask." 

Beth- Welp, that was her bad. Another instance in which the most likely explanation is because she has a rep for hooking up. She frustratedly sighs before trying to act like nothing weird is happening. 

"My B, I thought I made it clear about having two beds tonight." She explains with a shrug, obviously very annoyed right now. 

Amber Freeman- Once she sees that there's only one bed, she'll bite her lip while glancing at you. Is one of the people who might not actually complain about the situation, especially if she's crushing on you. 

"Sorry, I must've forgotten to ask for two....." She embarrassingly admits with a arm on the back of her neck. "But like.... we're in high school, so..." 

Richie Kirsch- Is actually the one who set it up on purpose. He may not look like it, but he's still technically a Billy Loomis variant, so he knows how to pick up love interests. But still, he'll try to play innocent, even if you've figured him out. 

"Oh, oopsie, seems like I forgot to mention to get them separate beds." He says with a shrug. "But hey, that's no biggie, right?"

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