Chapter one

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Things hade changed since Lin was born and toph didn't know what was going on she wasn't meant to feel like this she was a mother she was meant to be happy so why isn't she . She had not seen any one else from that gang in a few months she felt embarrassed sad even. Toph someone at the door said she didn't have to look through the earth to know that it was sokka  you look terrible he sed.

Sokka POV

She look worse than when we last saw her we all knew she was struggling but this bad Toph had always been not quite as clean as the rest of us But here home was completely trash there where clothes everywhere. She herself looked terrible but somehow out of all the mess Lin  looks well taken care of  happy even.

Toph POV

I hade put Lin to bed a few hours ago and gone to bed for some reason I couldn't convince sokka to leave In fact I can hear him cleaning my house I felt useless sad hopeless I didn't realise it put at some point during this I had started crying I never cry I am the chief of police. Toph are you  ok sokka asked as he sat on the edge of my bed ya I say as I look up he smiles at me  I forget how happy he made me  we hade something after the war but with ever thing that happened and me meeting Lines dad we never really talk about it. Your not he sed as he looks at me your hoses is a mess your a mess and forgive me but when is the last time you showered or went near a bathtub. Know come to think of it I can't remember when the last time I had a glass of water or even eating anything. That long he sed I hate the feeling that he is looking at me and even if I can't see I know what pitting
someone fells like and I hate it. Ok he sed I put my feet on the ground and can feel him get up and move to face me and pits his hand on the side of my neck  and rolls circles with his thumb
Me and the gang are worried about you he sed softly I think you should come to the South Pole and live with me he sed . I can let anyone see me this way. No I sed I can't Toph he sed I can tell your struggle don't shut me out. Ok I sed moving bake into my bed as I let out a few new tears out as sokka left.

She is a little girl she's blind she can't be left alone . Toph sits up Fast as the memory of here father flush through her dreams. Lin is crying in here cradle not much time hade past she could tell because the sun is  still lingering in the sky she gets up and pikes Lin up as she walks to the living room she hit here foot on something next thing she knew she is on the floor Lin is no longer in here arms and is some where on the floor crying as she stands she sets here foot on the ground and it's at that moment  she can't see through the floor with here bending she is to tired she sits on the floor and starts crying

Sokkas POV

Something pulls me out of my sleep I hear a screen and some hit the ground followed by crying . As I made it the ground floor that's when I saw it Toph sitting in the corner of the room crying Lin is on the floor cooing. Toph I say as I pike up Lin off the floor she's ok I say as I look over Lin she's ok Toph didn't look up. I go put to Lin to bed and can bake to Toph she was now curled up on her self it hurt me to see her this way.

Sokka pikes her up and carries her to here room places here in here bed and goes into here closet and pulls out some clothes as he walks around to Toph he makes it clear where he was  hey let's get you out of these clothes he sed Toph looks up at him but doesn't move he lifts here up and takes her shirt of looking at here making sure she doesn't want him to stop she mods as he helps her out of her clothes and into new ones.  As he layd her down in here bed he went and started packing up the house and stuff he thinks she and Lin need

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