Part 11~ 1993 Year 3

Start from the beginning

"I'm helping Cedric with transfigurations."

"Why?" She laughed.

"He's terrible at it."

"Hey, I'm not that bad."

"Yes you are. Cho, could you help him, I have to run to the restroom really quick."

"Um- sure." She set her stuff down and sat in the seat I was just sitting in.

I started walking out of the library when I looked back to see Cedric staring at me. I winked at him and walked off.

I didn't actually need the toilet, obviously, I just wanted to leave Cedric and Cho alone for about half an hour. I walked into my 'dad's' classroom to see him grading papers with my 'mum' sitting at a desk in the first row with her feet up on the table.

"Hey." I said walking into the room.

"Hi, Ali." Moony greeted me.

"How are you doing?" Future me asked.

"Don't you know? I mean, didn't you already live through this?"

"Well, technically, yes, but they used the obliviate charm on me before I went back home. So, I don't remember much." I hummed and nodded my head.

I sat down at a desk and pulled out some homework I had to do. It was all simple to me, I'd done it before. When I left 1976, I was in sixth year, but now I'm in third. "I'm doing pretty well, I guess, Snape clearly knows who I am and is giving me a hard time. I wouldn't be surprised, even if I were your actual daughter and not you from the past. I left Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang in the library together. He clearly really likes her, told them I needed to use the toilet, but now I'm here."

"You seem busy." Remus said, finally looking up from his papers.

"Hahaha." I said sarcastically. "All this work is taking away from the time I should be spending with Harry. It doesn't help that Snivilus assigns a butt-ton of homework due the next day."

"That sucks, but I have the answers for everything, if you need, just come take them, change the wording a bit, maybe, but don't worry about homework until sixth year."

"Wait, what do you mean 'until sixth year?' Am I staying here until I finish school? Then I have to go back and do another year and a half? That's bullshit!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, Ali. But we need you- he needs you."

"Why? Why is Dumbledore here then? To just be here? To be the favorite? And why can't you two help? What about Hermione, she's smart enough to help him!" Let's just say I was pissed. I want to go back home. I want to see my brother, Lily, Tessi, Peter, the Sirius I knew, and most of all, I wanted to see my Remus, because this was not him. I stormed out of the room to find McGonagall and ask her to send me back.


Let's just say my plan didn't go too well, McGonagall basically told me that I needed to suck it up so I could save some people, whatever that means, and keep Harry from dying because that kid can't keep himself out of danger. For some reason they decided I was the best choice for all of that? Anyway, if anything, I'd get him in more trouble.

I was sitting in my common room when Draco walked in. He gave me a dirty look than walked to his dorm. Theo followed him into the common room a few seconds after but chose to sit right next to me. He put his arm over my shoulder. It was nice having someone I guess, but it wasn't my Moony. The one that let me rest my head on his lap when I got tired, the one that had the only brain cells in our friend group, the one that hadn't lost everything on Halloween 1981. I rest my head on Theo's shoulder. I was holding back tears. I wanted to see my twin alive and well, I wanted to see Lily, Peter, Tessi, and Sirius, even though he betrayed his closest friends.

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