Under the Stars

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After a day full of sweaty training, funny moments, breaks, meditation and dinner, Po was headed for the barracks. The Five had already gone to bed before Po had decided to meditate by the peach tree. Shifu usually meditates way past the time Po decides to finish his sessions.

As Po headed for the barracks, the sun's last light left the sky, leaving it into a temporary dark blue shade. No clouds were to be seen this clear night, so the stars made themselves shown during this calm, lukewarm summer night.

Down by the valley, all people have closed their windows and doors, sealing themselves in for the night. The streets were empty and there were various shopping carts spread around the village. As a small breeze blew through the barrel-filled alleys lanterns started to dangle, leaving behind a tiny creaking sound. 

Po held a lantern in his paw which brightened up the path to the barracks. As Po reached the barracks he noticed a light go out above him. Seems like one of the Five decided to get to sleep.

Po opened the door and walked into the empty and quiet hallway. He walked up a set of stairs into their hallway leading to his room. Seems like Po was the only one awake, no light was seen through the paper-walls, well, except for his then. Po quietly tip-toed to his room and gently pushed the door open. He closed it behind him and walked up to his bed, as he sat down onto his bed he put the lantern on his bedside table. He then proceeded to blow the light out.


The light had now gone out. It was now dark in the entire barracks, Po at last laid down onto his bed, bending it to the floor. But amazing-ly, his bed still seemed to hold up his immense weight.

Po sighed, looking back at the highlights of the day he felt content and closed his eyes.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Po opened his eyes. He had been trying to sleep for what seems like ages, but really though it was maybe around 30 minutes at most. The poor panda couldn't seem to get a single second of sleep. Po sighed out of disappointment. He rose up and walked to the door, forgetting the lantern behind him.

As he walked out from the hallway, two ears perked up.

Po, tired, headed out of the barracks, not knowing where he's going. He decided to walk down to the hall of heroes.

Upon opening the giant doors, the red panda was seen sitting by the moon pool.

Po closed the doors behind him.

"Panda. What are you doing up this late?" The red panda asked.

"Can't sleep." Po replied, walking up to Shifu.

Shifu said nothing. Po looked into the waters of the moon pool.

"How are you always up this late?" the panda curiously asked.

"The more you age, the less sleep you need, all the way up until you get too old."

"Ah." Po said and nodded. "Anyway, uhh can I do something, like.. patrol the valley or anything. I can't sleep after all so..."

"Go ahead panda, if you believe it might cease your inability to sleep." the red panda said and looked up to Po from the side.

"Alright then. I'll see you around tomorrow, Shifu!"

Shifu nodded and continued his meditation.

As the panda walked out of the palace he couldn't help but notice the glimmering stars, how beautifully they contrast against the dark and endless sky.

Po took a deep breath and headed down the stairs, little did he know someone was after him.

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