Chapter 13: "Surprise."

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Taehyung stares down at me impassively as a response and I roll my eyes.

"Fine," I huff, "it means you're getting used to me," I amend.

"The trick is to be fully aware that the most absurd thing can come out of your mouth at any time."

I make a sound of indignation. "I do not say absurd things. You're just boring."

"I didn't realise it was boring to have thoughts that follow in sequential order instead of having them bounce everywhere. My mistake, Duo."

"I really want to smoosh you like a bug."

"Too bad you're the size of one then. Maybe in our next life, you can drink more milk and get taller. Then you'll have a chance at looking me in the eye to threaten me."

I want to be mad. I really do.
I really really do.

But I'm stuck on the words 'our next life' and I disregarded everything else.

Is he saying it unthinkingly?Or does he believe we'll be together in every lifetime?
The former seems unlikely because he hardly speaks so when he does its usually with consideration for his words. But the latter isn't believable either.
The man who doesn't believe in love surely doesn't believe in soulmates. And even if he did believe in love, he doesn't love me. So why would he want to be with me in every lifetime.
Unless he thinks he'll be stuck with me forever.
Or maybe he really wasn't thinking when he said it?

Soo hyun, I tell myself, please shut up.

I exhale and I focus on the insult in his words instead.

I smile at Taehyung, before stepping on his foot with some force. He lowers himself slightly in pain. "See, didn't have to wait for our next life to threaten you at eye level." I shrug.

Taehyung just glares at me and that makes me smile.

This is easy. The bantering. The arguing. The insulting.

Feelings are what's difficult. But maybe if I distract myself with the small annoyances I can steel my heart against any developing feelings that are probably unreciprocated. Most definitely unreciprocated.
Dammit why are emotions so complex?

"You know, it's apt that the sculpture is named the thinker. I have some of my best thoughts on the toilet."

"Of course you do," Taehyung replies. "C'mon. Knowing you, you must be hungry by now."

Before I can deny his statement just to prove him wrong, my stomach takes it as cue to betray me and grumbles.

I don't need to look at Taehyung to know he has a smug expression on, but I do it anyways and am proven right.

"Don't be too proud of yourself because I'm always hungry."

Only when the words leave my mouth do I realise that I'm indirectly insulting myself but it's done now so I have to roll with it.

Taehyung just snorts at me.

I won't admit to it, but he definitely had the upper hand in that argument.

"Where are we going?" I ask when he leads us out of the museum grounds.

"There's a place nearby that has good reviews."

"Okay." I reach out to open the car door but Taehyung opens it for me. He waits for me to get in so he can close the door and then only gets in the car. I mutter a thanks but he doesn't acknowledge it so I ignore the racing of my heart and I focus on what I was thinking about before his gesture. "And after that?"

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