The man..

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Samuel awoke one day not bothered to do any villain stuff so he decided to look for something to eat for example some noodles or cookies.

Only to find..

Jackshit. He ate all of them already.

Seems like he wasn't gonna have a peaceful day..

He popped on some random but stylish outfit to go to the shop but not be recognized in public and headed down to the nearest shop.

He found what he wanted but as he headed to buy the stuff he saw a rather familiar person..

He stopped and tried to remember till suddenly he got a unwanted flashback..


It was a summer of when Samuel was a young boy in a park with his friend.

That was till he got distracted by a cat by some bushes.
He quickly ran over to them as he loved cats.

But suddenly..
Samuel got grabbed from the behind but lucky his friend noticed and tried to pull him back but the person holding Samuel pushed him away and he fell down the they took samuel.

His friend yelled.. Yet they sounded pissed off..

Later on in the flashback sam had been dragged into a cage and had a shock collar on and been injected with something which soon would give him powers..

-end of the flashback-

Heavy breathing..
"shit.. shit shit..!"

It was the person who kidnapped samuel and tortured him for 7. fucking. years. till he escaped and ran away..

samuel started panicking and quickly ran to buy his stuff and as he was about to leave till suddenly he felt a sudden pull on his shoulder causing him to turn his head to see who it was..
it was him.
"so.. thats were my little pets been.. causing trouble i see~?"
Samuel froze as the man took his hood down and aggresively grabbed his wrist and began to drag him..

"get off..!"

"oh~ but your mine. And your gonna stay mine!"
The man sounded pissed off and suddenly injected something into samuels neck and samuel fell limp in seconds..
Then they picked up samuel and carried him away..

-in the distance-
Jason froze in shock as he watched samuel get carried away.

"no.. not again-..!"
He tried running towards them but they already dissapeared...


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