Entitled brat

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Camerons POV
Location; New school

Playing... The way things go by Beapbadoobee

The entrance is huge... I walk through the school entrance already greeted by a stampeed of kids in the hall rushing to get to there locker in time before the bell rings.
Great just great I was hoping it would be a little less packed but no..with my luck ill be unlucky for the whole day. Deep breathes cameron cmon move your feet left right left right the chanting in my head makes me finally move forward melting into the crowd of students.

I squint my eyes at every sign i see in the hall looking for the word 'office' but I find every other sign except office making me stop in my tracks and sigh mabye someone can help me. I turn around in the crowded hall only for my shoulder to be shoved making me stumble into someone else. "im so sorry" I awkwardly apologize to the person I fell into and look ahead to see who shoved me.
My eyes fall on a tall boy with brown fluffy hair wearing a black hoodie with some baggy jeans I couldnt see his face only his back turned to me as he walks off into the hall.

"yikes.." I hear a voice come into my ear I turn my head to see a girl with long black hair and light freckles scattered on her face. I give her a puzzling look and she immediatly speaks again "oh.. oh! yeah my names Ariel Dobre.. yes like the mermaid Ariel ironic right?" she sends me a toothy grin. This girl is not shy at all I give her a small smile and extend my arms out for her to shake it "Cameron Alford" Her mouth shaped into an o and she slowly nodded her hand taking my hand shaking it before letting it go "how come i havent seen you around before?" Ariel asks with a puzzled face I laugh a little finding her puzzled face funny before speaking up "im a new student this is my first day" I say and my lip folds into a thin line. "ohhhh well.. do you know anyone yet besides connor?." huh whos that? I raise my brow and part my lips thinking how to word my next sentence.

"sorry i dont know any connors at this school.." Her eyes widen and she lets a breathy laugh out "the Noon twins?" she says trying to state the obvious but I just shrug my shoulders, how was i suppose to know the noon twins were and im only five minutes into school?. I just shake my head no and she just pats my shoulder making me even more confused "you poor soul you must not own a phone" she sighs and shakes her head.
What is she on about? I just chuckle and fold my arms "no i own a phone i just have no idea who the Noon twins are" I blow my hair out my face and focus back on the girl infront of me "look how about you come to my lunch bench at break and ill introduce you to my friends.. including the Noon twins..?" she gives a cheery smile doing jazz hands when she mentions the noon twins making me smile and look away before looking back at her nodding my head "sure" she squeals making me deaf and the poor people around us also deaf I remember im lost and this is my chance to ask someone. "the bells gonna go but can you help me find the office im completly lost girl" I say with a defeated sigh.

"of course girl but i cant take you.. but ill tell you where to go just take this hall and turn left you'll see a door with a sign above it saying office" she explains using her hands to motion where to go. Already ten minutes in and I made a friend and possibly even more friends at lunch? Ill just have to see at break "Thanks" I pause and smile "Ariel.." I laugh before walking off where Ariel told me to go. All I hear is her yell "Cya new girl" making me smile as I turn the corner.


"my name is Cameron Alford" I say to the lady behind the counter She just gives me a petty fake smile and types aggresivaly into her computer most likely printing out my timetable for the rest of the year and the over exagerated smacking of the gum makes me want at yell at her but I just stand there and keep a very faint smile on my lips.
"your first class is biology get going" before I can reply she shoves my timetable sheet across the counter "there. now go before your even more late" she says folding her arms sitting back down digging back into a book she was reading.

Rude bitch I turn on my heel and walk out the office slamming the door a little before looking down at my sheet seeing 'biology class A2' where the hell is that and why is there A next to the 2.
I sigh and fold my paper walking through halls and halls looking for A2. This is gonna take years I think to myself but still continuing on finally my eyes land on A2 and a happy laugh leaves my lips but I slap my hand over my mouth walking over to the door building up the courage and all the effort of having to introduce myself infront of a whole class and what people think.

I take a deep breathe and slowly push down on the handle making the door creak loudly.
I walk inside and everyone falls silent making me mentally groan, why are they all so quiet and looking? im not an alien but my toughts get cut short when the teacher walks over to me "Cameron Alford, correct?" he says I awkwardly laugh and nod my head "yep thats me" the teacher just nods and ushers me to follow him to his desk in the corner of the room.

By now everyone has gone back to talking which is a bit more settling I feel a little more confident.
I follow him over to his desk and he hands me a book "you'll need this and we have a seating plan so im gonna stick you next to brady is that ok?" He looks up at me and I quickly nod but on the inside im crapping myself im sitting next to a boy?  oh god why couldnt of it been a friendly girl.
"Uhhh where does brady sit" I ask looking down at my feet "over there" he points over at a boy at the back of the class whos already looking at me. That looks like the dude who shoved me in the hall. "Thanks" I mumble "you dont have to introduce yourself you can just go sit down" The teacher gives me a smile and I mouth a thank you "my name is Mr Manning" I smile and turn around people starting to look again oh god. I forget how to walk but i barely make it down the isle and slip into my seat. I throw my head into my hands and everyone turns forward to the front of the class just chatting while the teacher is correcting tests. "Bad morning?" I hear a raspy voice beside me speak up making me turn my head to the boy.

I smile a little and slowly nod "wow what gave it away?" I say sarcastically all he does is laugh and he really does look a lot like the dude who rudely shoved me. Asking wouldnt hurt...
"by any chance did you happen to shove me in the halls earlier you look exactly like the dude that did" I raise my eyebrow and lean my chin on my hand supporting myself.
He just gives me a puzzled look his brown locs of hair falling infront of his face making him comb his hands through his hair before his face came to a realization face "probobaly my twin hes kinda rude.. sorry about him.." He says scratching the top of his head.
I let a small laugh out "its fine.. but not be rude tho he didnt even say sorry he just walked off it was giving entitled brat vibes.." my lip turns into a thin line praying I didnt hurt his feelings by disrepsecting his twin brother. He just smirks and turns a little more to face me "finally someone said it" he scoffed rolling his eyes making both of us laugh.

"your the complete opposite your really nice" I gesture towards him "stop im flattered" he says fanning himself making us laugh again.
This dude is funny mabye my seating plan in biology wont be too bad.
"bro stop my stomach hurts" I say controlling my laughter but we both make eye contact and after a second of silence we laugh again making heads turn towards us mainly girls? maabye hes a popular boy..?

"oh shit i forgot im Cameron Alford" I extend my hand out for him to shake it and he does he takes my hand and shakes it before dropping it He gives a toothy grin and speaks up "im brady" I smile and nod slowly regarding the fact I already knew his name atleast hes nice...


Mabye this school wont be so bad..


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