Black Eyed Secrets

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   Steve was sitting in the living room of his house watching TV when he heard car doors close outside. He got up from the couch and walked to the window to see his parents were home now. He groans knowing he is going to hear shit from my dad. He didn't want to deal with his dad's abuse today. As he was walking to grab his keys, the front door opened and his parents walked in. His dad starts in on him about not having the grades for college and being cut off. He didn't care about being cut off. He didn't want to live off of his parents' money. he wanted to be his own person His dad slaps and punches him trying to prove his point of Steve being worthless. He takes this opportunity when his dad walks away to run out of the house to his car.

   He got to his car and quickly got in. He could feel his eye swelling from where his dad punched him. It somewhat hindered him. He pulls out of the driveway and drives off toward Skull Rock. Going to Skull Rock was his safe space. It was the only place he could go to think and be himself. He had a few secrets about himself that he didn't have anyone to tell. He didn't know how to process any of it. His thoughts kept drifting to one person that he would think of as his rival in high school.

   Billy had arrived at Skull Rock. He needed to get out of the house away from that bastard of a father. Constantly hitting on him and using intimidation to make Billy fear him. Billy didn't fear Neil, not at all but he also didn't want to be beaten again. He leans against the skull-shaped formation with a lit cigarette in between his lips. It was quiet there and no one was around, the escape was bliss.

   Steve finally pulls up to Skull Rock. He got out of his car only to see a familiar blue Camaro in front of his car. His stomach dropped as he looked at it. He began to realize he was not going to be alone here this time around. He ran his hand through his hair before making his way to Skull Rock. He was thinking as he walked to the rock formation. Billy's floated into Steve's mind and his stomach filled with butterflies. He comes upon Skull Rock and sees Billy leaning against it with a cigarette in between his lips. Steve looks at him before he makes his approach. He took a deep breath and walked over. "What are you doing here, Hargrove?" Steve asked Billy.

  Billy glanced toward the familiar voice. His eyes fell on the form of one Steve Harrington. Billy had his face slightly turned away to disguise the black eye that Neil had inflicted most recently on him. "What does it look like I'm doing, Harrington?" Billy sighed on his exhale, the smoke rolling from his lips.

   Steve rolled his eyes but winced slightly from the pain in his swollen eye. He walks over to the rock formation. Steve leans against it next to Billy. His black eye facing away from him. Steve lays his head back against the rock and sighs. "What's eating at you to bring you here, Hargrove? I never expected to find you here." Steve glances over at Billy with his arms crossed over his chest.

   Billy side glanced at Steve. He reframes from wincing at the pain that soared through his eye that was not visible as of yet. Billy didn't want Steve Harrington to see him as weak. "It's quiet here, Harrington. Besides it's not against the law to be here is it.?"

   Steve groans as Billy always had to be a smartass. He started questioning why he even would think about Billy so much. He shakes his head. "I never said it was. I know it's quiet here. I come here all the time to think and to be alone. It's the one place I can be myself."

   Billy chuckles and takes another drag of his cigarette. "So what's got up your ass to want to be here, Harrington?"

   Steve keeps his head against the rock and looks up at the sky. "I had to get away from my house. I didn't want to be there right now." Steve couldn't let on that his parents were home and that his dad punched him.

   Billy smirks and shrugs. "Alright then. Honestly, I thought you would have been hanging out with that Henderson kid playing the whole Scooby Doo bullshit."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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