"Was it so bad that you three had to resort to time travelling?" he asked.

"Yes sir," all three answered at once.

"Alright. I trust your judgement," he said finally.

The three looked at him in surprise.

"You trust us? Just like that?" asked Luna voicing the thoughts of the other two.
Dumbledore chuckled.

"Yes dear. I believe you. You three have a put a lot of trust in me by confiding in me of this ordeal. I think it is only fair that I put some of my trust in you too. And if I am right, this probably explains the appearance of two corporeal patroni in the Hogwarts express?" he asked humorously.

"Yes Sir. We conjured it," said Neville with a sheepish smile.

"But I do want to know what exactly happened in your time," Dumbledore said seriously.

"I told you in the beginning that we have evidences for every claim we make," said Ginny. "Could you lend us your pensive Sir? We are willing to show our memories of our... previous life. "

"Of course," Dumbledore said standing up to retrieve the pensive.

The next few hours were spent viewing the memories.

A very wary Dumbledore settled onto his chair. He looked every bit his age now. Neville, Ginny and Luna looked anxious too, waiting for Dumbledore to say something.

After a long pause, Dumbledore began, "You three are the most extraordinary teens I've ever met. After everything you went through, you still took the risk of traveling back in time when you could've just walked away from the world that took away all your loved ones. By coming back you have given me hope that there is a chance we might win this time around if we rectify the mistakes we all made in your past timeline. I know that you wouldn't want to reveal the truth to the world so I thank you on behalf of our world for coming back to save us. "

"We don't know about that yet, Sir. For all we know we might mess it up again," said Neville.

Dumbledore smiled gently at them.
"Well then, we just have to make sure we do our best, don't we?"

"Yes Sir," the three whispered determinedly.

"Alright. Now, I believe you three have already made some plans about what you will do once you are here? "

With that they disclosed the plans and decisions they had made. Dumbledore agreed with them when they told that they will not be disclosing their secret with anyone except Sirius and Snape.

"If I may, why Severus and Sirius?" asked Dumbledore curiously.

"Professor Snape will be risking his life by being a spy. It is only fair that he is made aware of this. As for Sirius, well he needs to be informed because his assistance is required for what is to happen this year and also because I'm a bit biased. Sirius and I had a close friendship. He was my closest confidant before he died," said Ginny.

Dumbledore nodded.
"And it's absolutely necessary to resurrect Voldemort?"

"Yes Sir. Hermione had mentioned that he had to be in his mortal form after the destruction of horcruxes for us to destroy him," said Neville.

"Ah... The horcruxes. I believe we need to begin the hunt soon?"

"Yes Sir. I reckon we should take it slow though. We know the locations and we have time till the end of next year. I don't want us to rush into things and disrupt this timeline any more than it already is with our return," said Luna.

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