🥀 - chapter 36 -🌹

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(third person perspective)
The last week before summer vacation went by so quickly, and everyone was packing their things.

Poppy and Natty went together to visit Poppy, her grandmother this summer, to take care of the animals.

Amith went back to his family in India, and Imelda got to go with him for a week. She had expressed her feelings to Amith before the summer, and they were dating.

Adelaide had dumped Garreth again after the 5th time in a row, so he was making his own plans for his vacation. Helena would go with Garreth the first week and his aunt. He was also going to spend a week with Amith in India after Imelda had her week.

Helena would spend the second week with her mother and the last 4 weeks with Ominis at Gaunt Manor.

Anne and Sebastian went to london for a week and then would stay at home.


(Helena perspective)
Together with the Weasley's, I left for my first summer week to clagmar coast. We stayed in their standard vacation cottage right by the sea.

Before I left with my big suitcase full of stuff I had said goodbye to Ominis. I had promised him not to make any mischief with Garreth and to behave myself during my birthday.

We agreed that we would celebrate my birthday together when I got back from my vacation. When I had my week in scotland, I was to send him a daily letter with how things were going.

Before our last goodbye, we had a private moment in Ominis' room in the slytherin dormitory. He took me firmly in his arms for a second and let me feel how it was like with him. So that I would remember him if I were tempted again with Evander.

He found it very hard to let me go, given the circumstances with Evander. But he wanted to trust me and agreed on my vacation week.

The cottage on the coast was neatly tidy, and my room had changed. The walls were now a sea blue colour, and seagulls hung from the ceiling.

I put down my suitcase of things and sat down on my bed. I stared out the window at the high waves hitting the sandbars.
The sun was shining, and there was not a cloud in the sky; it was warm weather with a cool breeze.

I sunk into deep thoughts about Ominis, about Evander, Anne, and Sebastian. After fifteen minutes of daydreaming, I was startled by Garreth poking his head through the window.

''Hey FIG! the last one in the sea is a manatee, " and he smiled and started running.

I quickly pulled my dress off over my head and jumped through the window, and ran after Garreth. He had obviously been working on his fitness with Quidditch and was suddenly a lot faster than me. I tried to keep up with him and set it on a sprint.

We laughed at each other as we stumbled through the sand to be first. I activated my ancient magic and made the final sprint into the sea. I jumped into the water.

''I WIN,'' I yelled as I threw my arms in the air. He ran at me and dove on top of me. ''You cheater!" and he pushed me underwater. ''You're the manatee, manatee'' he snarled at me, and we started struggling in the water.

I threw water in his face, and he pulled me under by my foot head first. We had a lot of fun together and laughed at Aunt Matilda feeling the water with her bare toes. She found the water much too cold, we looked at each other and threw water at her. She ran, screaming back to the warm sand, and sat on the rug in the sun.

That night me and Garreth sat by the campfire with one drink too many. We were drunk and singing along to the loud music. We danced around the campfire and celebrated the first day of summer vacation with a good toast. That night, we both fell asleep drunk next to the fire.

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