Chapter 2 - The truth

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Geto found himself facing the principal. He got a little scared, given the aura that the man in front of him conveyed. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he began to speak.

«Good morning... principal. I just arrived. Well I-» Suguru was stammering the whole time, but was stopped by a look from the man.

«Long time no see, Geto Suguru...» the principal said.

«What do you mean, sir? I don't-» Geto tried to say, but he was stopped again by that serious look.

«I was a dear friend of your... father,» he said, making Suguru silent, and so he continued to talk: «You know, now that I'm seeing you, you really do look like him.»

«Oh» came out of Geto's mouth.

«I guess that you probably want some explications. And I totally understand that. But, are you ready to change your life? Because you're going to do it starting today» the principal explained, prompting Geto to respond.

«I don't really have a choice anymore anyway... If my mom sent me here, then it's what I have to do.» Suguru said in a whisper.

The principal stared at the boy for a couple more seconds, almost surprised, which made Suguru frown. «Well, you accepted that really quickly, so...» the man said defending himself.

Geto just nodded his head in an 'okay' and began to climb the stairs to finally enter the place inside.

The principal still stayed on the stairs, watching the boy walk into the structure. A smile fell from his lips spontaneously without his consent. «They're the same... those hard heads» he said sighing.

«Welcome home... Geto» he whispered, then walked over to Suguru. (He said Geto and not Suguru jst bc he remembers him as his dad!)

«Suguru,» the principal said with a sigh. Then, he walked to his sit and stared at the young boy in front of him, a bit far. «First thing, I'm Masamichi Yaga and I'm you're principal, but you already know this...» Yaga said touching his chin.

«Where do you want me to start?» said, while taking one of his "plushies" to the eye of others. In that case it was a green one with a blue flower on the head. Suguru looked shocked by this, but he quickly let it go and answered.

«I wanted to know... Was my dad a sorcerer?..» he gently asked.

«Yes. He was also part of this school, but when he found his love he stopped and focused on your mom and you. Unfortunately... there were a curse too strong for some students and he was nearby, and afterwards he died...» Yaga said sadly.

«But I thought he died in a car accident?!» Suguru yelled without noticing. «Sorry.»

«Don't be sorry. It can be shocking for you right now. All your life was a lie... and I'm here to change that» Yaga said now more kindly.

«So... why were those students sent there when they clearly couldn't fight that... thing?» Suguru asked confused. «There was an error in the information given...».

«How do you feel now knowing this? It's hard but you have to accept it...» Yaga told him.

«No, it's fine. I had already got over his death some time ago. But now I feel even better knowing that he died to save someone.»

Masamichi was now speechless. That guy was really something else. He thought he would make a scene knowing that it was the school's fault for his death. He really found him interesting, just like his old Geto.

«Okay Geto... if you feel like that then I'm going to talk about something else. Does that sound okay for you?»

«Yeah... I'm all ears.» Suguru said with a heavy sigh, that threw up all the emotions he was having right now.

𝖲𝗍𝖺𝗋𝖿𝖺𝗅𝗅 '𝗌𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗌𝗎𝗀𝗎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang