━⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚Chapter 4

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Bonding time and Training disaster.

⊰⁠⊹ฺ The night came, and you were sitting on the couch with a tablet in hand. "This was the time when Gopal and I got scolded by Fang because we ate all the food!" You exclaimed, laughing as you showed your cousin the pictures Ochobot took.

Rayray laughed along with you then shook his head. "I can't believe you guys did that," he said, swiping to find even more pictures, this time of your friends fighting some aliens and saving power spheras. "Oh, I'll be right back." you said leaving him alone to make some juice for the both of you.

After you left, Rayray noticed something peculiar and examined the pictures more closely, scrolling back and forth. "Huh, why aren't you in some of these pictures?" he muttered to himself, continuing to swipe in search of a photo of you.

Your cousin began to grow confused as he couldn't find a single picture of you fighting in action. The only images he saw were of you taking selfies with your friends after they finished battling an enemy, but there wasn't a single picture of you fighting alongside them.

Rayray found it strange for some reason, so he asked you as soon as you returned with the tray of juice. "How come you don't have a single picture fighting in action?"

You froze for a second at his question and chuckled awkwardly. "What do you mean?" you asked innocently, walking towards the coffee table and putting the tray there. "I'm in plenty of pictures."

"Not when you're fighting," he interrupted, looking at you with a deadpan face. "Come on, spill it."

A heavy silence hung in the air as you glanced at your Power Watch, your cousin awaiting your explanation.

With a deep breath, you began to clarify. "My powers only kick in when I'm in real danger; they don't respond to commands," you admitted, pausing briefly before continuing.

"I'm not much help against tough enemies, so I tend to stick to supporting from the sidelines," you confessed. "The best I can manage is a weak wrist shield and making things float," you said, conjuring one up and causing the TV remote to levitate to demonstrate.

"So you're useless?" Your cousin analyzed, a finger on his chin as he nodded.

"What? No, I'm not!" You protested, defending yourself. You were about to say more but were interrupted.

"Hmm, you still haven't improved your powers yet?" your aunt chimed in as she entered the living room.

You looked at her for a second before hesitantly nodding in agreement. "Yeah, when my Power Watch got destroyed by that alien we fought as kids and I was given a new one, everything just went back to square one for me," you explained.

"My Power Watch wouldn't cooperate with me and wouldn't work if I tried to command it. There were times when it would, but only for a second, or it would be too weak to withstand an attack." Your Aunt and cousin listened intently.

"What about your invisibility power?" Your cousin asked.

"That I can control," you started, snapping your fingers making you vanish for a second before appearing again.

"The only way I can help out if my friends are in danger is by using advanced combat gear that Creatibot made for me." You exclaimed.
As you mentioned Creatibot's name, the power sphere descended the stairs.

"Did you call for me?" Creatibot inquired, floating towards you. You shook your head and reached out to hold him.

Your aunt tilted her head and crossed her arms. "So, you're not even attempting to improve and are relying solely on combat gear?" she questioned.

𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 || 𝘉𝘰𝘣𝘰𝘪𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ