How annoy your dad 101

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21.1.2017 Amelia's POV:

I wake up to a loud "thud" coming from the direction of my room's door. "Amiii!!" Elena yells and literally jumps on top of me. My head is killing me from last night and the scream fells like it will spilt my head in half. "What do you want?" I mutter as I'm still half asleep. Emma walks to my bed and I notice that she has few juice boxes in her hand. "Your Dexcom was beeping a lot and you were just sleeping so we brought you a few juice boxes incase you had a hypo," Emma explains as she sits to my bed and hands me a juice box. My hands are shaking violently which is a sign of a low blood sugar so I start jugging a juice box while my anxiety is once again taking over my mind. How did I slept through my Dexcom alarm? What if Emma and Elena wouldn't have found me? How low my sugars actually are? "El, can you give me my phone?" I ask and the small red head does as told and after that even comes in for cuddling. I open the Dexcom app that reads my sugars to check the numbers. It shows 4,8 and a yellow arrow going up. 4,8. Only a few mmol/l down and it would have actually been a hypo. Elena brings me back from my thoughts "Who was that boy you came home with last night?" she asks. "Elena, you weren't suppose to tell her!" Emma *** her. "You only said that I wasn't allowed to tell papi" Elena argues. "Yes, but..." "Okay, please stop fighting you're making my headache worse," I step in the fight. "You okay?" Emma asks worriedly. "Nothing a painkiller can't fix," I answer. "So who was the boy?" Elena ask again eyes full of curiosity. "Matteo," I say. "Uuu... Is he your boyfriend?" the younger one laughs. "He's just a friend," I say realizing I actually don't know what's our status after what happened last night. "Suuure," Emma rolls her eyes. "Wait what time it is" I ask remembering that me and Elena had a power practice day before going to our grandparents tonight to celebrate dad's birthday early. "7.05," Emma checks from her phone. " Shit, me and El have to hurry if we want to be early at the rink," I get up from under the warm covers and start getting ready.


"Well there is our sleeping beauty," dad jokes right as I walk in to the kitchen. He sits alone on a bar stool next to the counter as Maria and the littles are probably still sleeping and Emma and Elena at upstairs. "Haha," I roll my eyes while swallowing down a pain killer with a glass of water and then grabbing a banana for breakfast. " What trouble you have this time?" dad asks slightly annoyed. "Womanhood," I answer knowing that it will hopefully shut him up.  It works as we sit a while in silence. "Did you perhaps hear my low blood sugar alarm this morning?" I break the silence. I'm sure dad has got the notification as he's allowed to monitor my sugars but he only checks it like once a month. " Yes it worked nicely as my alarm clock. I didn't react to it as I thought you could handle it," dad responds. Thought you could handle it. Your daughters chronic illness wields her near the road to afterlife and you thought she could handle it! I have handled my diabetes, school work, figure skating, everything by myself since mom died. Since I was only 7 years old. So why can't he just this once take the responsibility off my shoulders. I don't say anything even thought pure anger flows through my veins. "Papiii!!" Elena runs into the kitchen Emma walking close behind. " Bon dia, La meva princesa," papi says as Elena climbs on her lap and starts telling  him about a dream she saw last night. Me and Emma share a glaze knowing that papi wouldn't never treat us like that. But well Elena has always been everyone's favorite, papi's, Reetta-mummi's and avi's at least. Emma has always clicked with ávia as they are both artists . I've always had special bond with Jasper-pappa through, our interest in music, but I'm sure he's still not proud of that I am the kid his first born and eldest daughter got pregnant with at only 18 years old.


I spent my first hour at the rink warming up while Elena's group is on the ice. Every now and then my eyes escape in to the direction of the ice and Elena. I love that she's always smiling on the ice even if all her jumps, spins and step sequences wouldn't fail through the practice. I remember  when I was her age, not caring much of the weight of the world. Elena notices me about half way through the practice and I see that she starts being more hard on herself like she has to prove me something. I hope that she knows that she never has to prove me anything and that I will always be proud of her and love her no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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