Grumpy beginnings

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Amelia's POV: 

I'm sitting at the  top of the stairs. Mami and Papi are fighting downstairs. It's night and way past my bedtime, but is hard to sleep when they are constantly yelling at each other. Elena is on my lap sucking a pacifer and looking scared while Emma is hugging my side and comforting Elena. We're all trying to cry as silently as possible, so our parents wouldn't hear us. 

Downstairs    3rd person POV:

"You don't care about your children!" Viktoria shouts to Xavi. 

"Two of them are mistakes anyway, so why would I care about them!" Xavi yells.

"Because I care about them! Morning, noon and night I care about them!" Viktoria screams. 

"And you hurt them. As you hurt them, you hurt me." She continues crying. 

" If I'm hurting you then leave you fucking whore!" Xavi shouts and begings to back off towards the kitchen table. He then grabs a plate and throws it towards her.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Viktoria screams.

"I'm sorry if you can't take this anymore but you were the one who started this!" Xavi says. 

"Because I wasn't even meant to meet you!" Viktoria shouts.

"Get the hell out of my house!" Xavi yells. 

Viktoria walks towards Xavi and slaps him across the face. 

"Senkin perkeleen paska!" Viktoria yells to Xavi in Finnish. 

" Go cry to your ginger haired bitch mother, you hijo de puta!" He shouts to her face. 

" I'm fucking leaving" Viktoria says and goes to upstairs and books the next flight to Finland.

Amelia's POV:

" I'm fucking leaving!" Mami yells at at the downstairs and comes to the upstairs. Me, Emma and Elena run to bed so mami don't see us. After a while she comes to our room and "wakes us up" even though none of us were actually sleeping. "Come on sweeties we're leving" She says in a noticeably broken voice. " Where are we going?" I ask. " We are going to Finland to Reetta mummi" Mami says pretending to sound happy. "When are we coming back? Emma asks. "We are stying there for a while, I don't know when we are coming back." Mami responds. At that point Elena started crying. "Pack your things really quick. We are leaving in 15 minutes." We started packing our things. Well me and Emma started and Elena was sitting on Emmas's bed crying. We have so many things almost five suitcases were filled with our toys and clothes. After a while Mami put us to the car and says that she is coming in a second. We waited patiently for what felt like forever (in reality 5 minutes). Later Mami came to the car crying and one spot on her face near her right eye was bleeding. We were all crying silently being super scared about what was going on.

3rd person POV:

"Are you really leaving?" asks with an angry tone.

"Yes I am leaving because you don't seem to care about anything or anyone anymore!" Viktoria yells while packing her purse.

"What to you do mean? Care about people!" Xavi shouts.

"Well if you care about people why don't you care about our kids?" Viktoria yells with tears in her eyes.

"Don't bring the girls in to this!" Xavi says.

"Alright, you don't care about me!" Viktoria screams.

"I am sorry if I didn't give enough attention to you, but it's not my fault that youare such a selfish bitch!" Xavi yells and grabs a plate and throws it towards Viktoria almost hitting her eye. 

"That's it" Viktoria says and goes to upstairs. In their bedroom she opens a box where is their money which is saved in case of accidents and puts all of it in her bag and runs to downstairs.

"Don't you dare to take the money which is from both of us!" Xavi shouts.

"Oh so now you care! It's not like you are a millionaire anyways! So be proud of yourself, be proud yourself because you have ruined the lives of our three little girls! And if is not enough you have also ruined my life! So be fucking proud of yourself!" Viktoris screams and throws her engagement ring to the ground and takes her car keys.

"I hope that you are happy now!" She shouts and slams the door behind her and walks to the car crying. When she sits in the car she sees that she is bleeding from her face but she doesn't care and starts to drive towards the airport. after a while she sees that all of her kids are asleep so she decides to call her mother and tell her what happend.

Btw 'mummi' is the Finnish word for granny.

Credits to my sister@Sorsa_uh_ah who let me copy her text a bit.

Also please remember that this is my first story and English isn't my first language.

Thanks for reading :)

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