"Ian had to work so he called me and asked me if I could take you home," Koda said back before he drove from school a bit too aggressively for my liking.

"Are you mad?" I asked him directly and Koda looked at me quickly before turning his eyes back on the road. His brows furrowed and he sighed.

"No," he said but I didn't buy it. If Koda didn't want to talk about it I wouldn't force him. He was a grown ass man and should act like one. We sat in silence the rest of the way and were at our house too fast. I jumped out of the car thinking Koda would follow me like he always did, however when I turned around he was backing out again.

"I need to go to work, see ya," he screamed out of the window and then he was gone. I looked after the car and classified his behavior as odd. More than usual. Koda was never like this. He was always so happy and nice to me. Something must be bugging him and hopefully that was not my own odd behavior from the last couple of days which I was sure he had noticed. I went into the house and found myself alone. It wasn't often I was alone in the house and I always found it sad and disturbing. I felt lonely. I could hear the rumble of lightning outside and then the rain started to pour. I walked around the house and turned on some music in the living room and made myself some tea in an attempt to calm myself down and make sure I didn't hear the lightning outside. When I was young I was deadly afraid of lightning and thunderstorms. My brother or Koda had made it a thing to always be with me when one was upon us. As I grew up I wasn't as afraid anymore but that had more to do with the company. I had found it nice to spend quality time with my boys. It surprised me that not one of them were here right now. I turned up the volume on the music as the thunder came closer. I could feel the house rumble and pulled the blanket I had around me closer, sipping on my tea trying to shut the world out. Suddenly it was a big bang and the whole house rumbled with the earth and everything went black. Shit. The lightning must have caused a blackout. I found myself sitting in darkness and in silence.

The shaking started in my hands as I could hear the rumbling above me and see the flashes outside. They spread to my legs and I pulled them up around me as I made myself as small as possible on the couch with the blanket around me. I covered my ears with my hands but all I could hear was the thunder. I was rocking back and forth humming to myself but nothing helped. I was alone, in the dark and with the thunderstorm.

Cold hands wrapped around my wrists and I looked up startled. They were wet and cold. I was met with the beautiful blue eyes of Koda. His hair was dripping and he was soaked through. His black t-shirt was sticking to him and he was breathing heavily. I could see the concern and worry in his eyes as he looked at me. He let one of my wrists go to stroke my cheek and I realized I had been crying. Koda's cold fingers sent shivers all over my body and I had forgotten all about the storm outside. All I could focus on was the man in front of me. He gave me a weak smile before he opened his beautiful lips and spoke to me.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. It was like I was seeing him through a filter. Whatever he said or did I couldn't rip my eyes away from him. I realized this was how I had seen him when I had a crush on him as a teenager. I pushed the thought away and forced my face from shock to a weak smile.

"It's okay," I said back. My voice was shaking. I could feel his hand around my wrist tighten and the one on my cheek stopped in motion. My voice had sounded weak even to myself.

"No Gracie, it's not," Koda said and looked away from me. He really had long eyelashes and I could see water droplets from the rain on them. "I was in a bad mood and I took it out on you. I forgot that Adrian had told me it was a thunderstorm coming today and that I should be close to you. I'm sorry."

He whispered the last two words again and looked back at me through his eyelashes with sad eyes. I let my hand, that was free, caress his cheek moving his face so it was in front of me. His face was cold and wet from the rain outside.

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