Chapter 6

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Adrian drove me to school again on Thursday. He was running late to work and was too stressed to ask me any more weird questions. I had managed to avoid Koda again this morning. I found that I was missing him but I still didn't know how to act around him or what to think. Ivy's words were still ringing in my ears and tomorrow was my date with Nathan. Ivy met us by the car and smiled at my brother as they had their usual banter before he speeded off to work.

"One day he's going to kill himself driving too fast," I mumbled under my breath as Ivy and I looked after the car.

"Don't worry," Ivy said and patted me on my back as she started leading me towards the door. As we entered school I found my best friend a bit too quiet and I stopped her in the middle of the hallway.

"Ivy, what's up?" I asked her and looked into her green eyes. She tried to look away but she soon figured it was no idea.

"I have decided to tell my parents today," she said and locked eyes with me again. For a moment I was confused. I had been so stuck in my own problems that I had totally forgotten about Ivy's. Ivy's parents wanted her to go to Harvard and become a standard higher up like them. They were a lawyer and a doctor but Ivy herself had no such ambitions. She wanted to continue cheerleading and go into dance. I looked at her in shock.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she gave me a brave smile.

"Yeah," she said. I could tell she was scared and maybe sad. She knew properly just like I did that she would never get through this conversation without fighting with her parents.

"Well, when everything goes to hell you can come over to my house and help me pick out an outfit," I said back in a try to lighten the mood. She gave me a grateful smile before her face morphed into curiosity.

"Why am I helping you pick out an outfit?" she asked. Her excitement radiated from her. She loves dressing me up like her personal barbie doll.

"Well, I have a date," I said back. She squealed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"With mister mega hottie?" she asked. I gave her a look. Why would she think I would have a date with him?

"No, with Nathan, you know, the boy I have a crush on," I said back. She squealed again and I was sure she was just excited over the fact that I was going on a date for the first time since I moved here.

"I will help with your outfit," she said and then she rushed us both to class. The day went by fast and the day was soon over. I found myself standing out in the parking lot waiting for my brother. Dark clouds were rolling in again and the tension in the air was giving me a headache. Suddenly a black mustang came tearing into the parking lot instead of my brother's white jeep and I did a double take as Koda pulled to a stop in front of me. We had not talked much since I had started avoiding him. He had been working a lot too and was not home or I was asleep when he got home. Not that I minded. When I had seen him the last couple of days I had found myself blushing every time he was looking at me and it made it easier to avoid him.

Koda opened the door to the passenger seat while leaning over it from the driver seat looking at me, his blond hair was hanging a bit over his eyes.

"Come on," he said, a bit annoyed. I hoped it wasn't at me and jumped into the car. I had after all been avoiding him for a while.

"Where is Adrian?" I asked him. My brother had insisted on picking me up today like the days before. He was still scared that I might be sick and was worried. So it surprised me that Koda was now here instead of him when he had promised to be here.

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